While many of my Libertarian contemporaries have taken on the US Patriot Act, I've kind of backed off on that battle for a couple of reasons. One, simply because too many people can and do state their case against the Patriot Act far more eloquently than I ever could. While I might reference them in an article from time to time, there would be too much time wasted in overpursuing that particular piece of legislation. The second reason is the reality that the provisions of the Patriot Act simply do not and will not affect a significant number of Americans.
The numbers came out a few weeks ago on the number of Americans who were unfairly targetted by the US Patriot Act. The number was something to the order of 180 (I can't remember the exact number, but that's in the ballpark). So, statistically speaking, you're about as likely to be struck by lightning (nationwide, 250 incidents per year), as you are to be unfairly targetted by the Patriot Act. And even then, certain demographic information makes you more or less likely to be targetted.
By comparison, you are literally THOUSANDS of times more likely to be unfairly and unconstitutionally targetted by the Child Protective Services in the United States. And their investigations focus mainly on families who cannot afford effective representation for their case. Again, though, certain demographic information makes you more or less likely to be targetted. But it's the demographic information that singles you out that concerns me.
An estimated 60 to 80% of CPS investigations involve parents in the middle of a divorce. That puts about 50% of America's families in the CPS firing line. poor families are 14% more likely to be the target of abuse allegations, and 44% more likely to be the target of neglect allegations. Homeschoolers, who represent 1-2% of school age children, represent over 10% of CPS investigations. So, if you are poor, in the middle of a divorce and homeschool, watch your back. It's got a HUGE bullseye painted on it.
Worse is the fact that many of these claims are completely unfounded and that there re absolutely NO repurcussions for false reporting. You could hypothetically call in false reports on every one of your neighbors every day and never worry about prosecution (ahh, the joy of anonymity, eh?). The families targetted are routinely denied due process, denied a fair, speedy and public trial, and denied the right to confront witnesses. In addition, illegal search and seizure is part of the daily activity of many CPS caseworkers who are NOT law enforcement officials, and who lack the proper training to conduct an impartial investigation. Very few lawyers want to take on the CPS because of the public perception that they are "protecting child abusers" (that whole "guilty until proven innocent" thing), and thus a family with few means is statistically unlikely to obtain adequate representation (many lawyers that specialize in CPS demand a $10,000 retainer).
Thus, families targetted by CPS are a very real, very PRESENT class of Americans who are routinely denied their rights. Those who are feared to be the target of Patriot Act overreach are a largely hypothetical group of citizens.
So tell me: who needs a voice more?