The journey from there to here

Well, as you all know, the American Family Association (the organization that was wrongly slandered as calling Spongebob gay), has organized a boycott of Ford because the company donates money to gay action groups. I support their boycott, but for different reasons than you might suspect.

Frankly, I can't afford a new car. Even if I could, I wouldn't be swayed by the idea of flaunting the boycott to buy one. Too much money lost in first year depreciation, and the money's better spent elsewhere.

But morally, I support AFA's right to free speech. And their right to educate their supporters about the financial actions of Ford. Ironically, many of the same people that oppose the AFA boycott are flooding's website in order to purchase goods that don't donate to Republican parties. They are, effectively boycotting right wing organizations for the same conflict in values that prompted AFA's boycott. And they have equal right to do so.

But when they jump on their bandwagon and lampoon the right for their boycott while doing the same thing, well, that's called "hypocrisy", right?

on Jun 14, 2005
in other words, you defend the right of afa (or anyone else) to say any idiotic thing that comes into their pointy lil heads whether you agree with it or not (only in this case you're in agreement)?

as do we all i think. the other article on the subject didn't dispute their right to do or say anything protected by the first amendment.

every dollar the afa spends in its campaign against ford is a dollar they'll have to scam outta someone else if they wanna hang onto their lobbyists.
on Jun 14, 2005
you defend the right of afa (or anyone else) to say any idiotic thing that comes into their pointy lil heads whether you agree with it or not

Hey, everyone in this country has a perfect right to make an ass of themselves if they want.

I can understand why they're doing what they are. I think it's a bit dumb. But I think all the other "principle" boycotts are also pretty dumb.
on Jun 14, 2005
I don't have any connections to the AFA, nor would I ever be a member. My beef is that Liberal organizations basically invented and perfected this kind of behavior, and now, oddly, those same people have a problem with the AFA doing it.

If they just had a problem with the group's beliefs about homosexuality, the boycott wouldn't be an issue. The language they use is a dead givaway when they say their donations are a 'scam'.

Here's the facts.
---Ford donates hundreds of dollars from the purchase of some of their cars to GLAAD. That's their right, I have no problem with it.

---People who DON'T want "up to $1000" of their own hard-earned money to go to GLAAD should choose another car company to buy from. Supporting the sales of a company who does so enhances their ability to, even if you don't opt-in for the donation.
Can you really fault that? If a member of Greenpeace knew that $50 dollars of every purchase would go to the "Whales are Delicious" foundation, do you think people would be here whining about their boycott? I seriously doubt it.

It isn't a 'scam', it is making people aware that their money isn't just going to buy a car when they buy a particular brand. Me, personally, I have no urge to send a single thin dime to GLAAD. So, I'd opt to buy a different brand of car.
on Jun 14, 2005
Ain't Freedom Great! In this country you even have the right to protest freedom for others! In the immortal words of Yakov Smirnoff... "What a Country!" ;~D
on Jun 14, 2005 gay people arn't people? Companies like McDonalds put money into logging operations, nike users virtual slave labour and people donate money to the republican party but when some supports the rights for gay people to be treated equally you call a boycott, how pathetic
on Jun 14, 2005
"but when some supports the rights for gay people to be treated equally you call a boycott, how pathetic"

First, he isn't calling a boycott, he's supporting their right to.

Second, you have beliefs about gay people that others don't share. Not everyone agrees about what 'gay rights' are.

Do you have a problem with Greenpeace boycotting nations that support whaling? If not, then how is that any different than the AFA deciding not to support companies who take their money and donate to causes they differ with?
on Jun 15, 2005
The language they use is a dead givaway when they say their donations are a 'scam'.

i didn't say anyone's donations were a scam. i said wildmon was going to have to scam harder to recoup the money being spent to promote his boycotts.

yall do know the ford boycott was called off on june 7, 2005? Link

in march, wildmon also off the 9-year afa boycott against disney Link

the explanation for ending the disney boycott puzzles me a bit:

"We feel like Disney, in many respects, has made an effort to clean up its act in the last couple of years," he says, "especially with the resignation of Michael Eisner. He's been a big problem with Disney. And also, they're getting rid of Miramax Films."

don't worry tho, i believe the kraft and proctor & gamble boycotts are still in effect.
on Jun 15, 2005
the ford boycott presents an unusual and somewhat amusing scenario. the organization ford is contributing to is an anti-defamation group. whether you agree with afa's stand or you don't, the afa and focus on the family engage in what a reasonable person would likely consider defamation.

so in essence, the afa's bitch with ford may as easily be it's funding anti-afa gays fight the anti-gay afa. there's a song title in there somewhere.
on Jun 15, 2005
What standard of defamation, though? When Greenpeace boycotts nations and hurls propaganda at nations that promote whaling, is that defamation? Usually the nations are whaling legally, Greenpeace just doesn't agree with the practice.

It seems to me that the judgement the AFA is espousing is pretty subjective. They promote their opinion of homosexuality. Can you defame with an opinion?

If that's the case, ministers could be sued weekly for preaching the evils of any number of people and practices. Hell, Las Vegas could make a living on sueing moralists. Maybe battling defamation has really become about battling opinion.
on Jun 15, 2005 gay people arn't people? Companies like McDonalds put money into logging operations, nike users virtual slave labour and people donate money to the republican party but when some supports the rights for gay people to be treated equally you call a boycott, how pathetic

I didn't call a it again. I said I support their right to make that decision. Frankly, a lot of companies engage in practices I don't find particularly appealing.

Ironically, you argue against your own case. Aren't charities geared towards ending slave labour and feeding the hungry and homeless far more important than GLAAD?'s Ford's money, and they can spend it as they wish.

And I can spend MINE as I wish...and AFA can spend theirs as THEY country, ya know

on Jun 15, 2005

If a member of Greenpeace knew that $50 dollars of every purchase would go to the "Whales are Delicious" foundation, do you think people would be here whining about their boycott?

Do you have the address of the organization so I can send a donation?

on Jun 16, 2005
Do you have the address of the organization so I can send a donation? ;~D
on Jun 16, 2005 ;~D

make check payable to Catching Astounding Sealife Humanely? (using only initials of course)