The journey from there to here
Or, DO They?
Published on June 14, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Every once in awhile I find a TV commercial I appreciate. It's not often, but it happens. But TV commercials seem to go in waves, occasionally with streams of ads that would seemingly insult the intelligence of most Americans. We've all seen the ads that leave us wondering what he hell they were advertising in the first place. But sometimes the ads where you KNOW what they're selling are just as bad.

The Geico ads notwithstanding (though I think the "Energizer bunny" people should sue), there are a few that really boggle my mind. The first is the Morgan Stanely guy, who has appeared to be the participant in a polyandrous relationship, as well as the creepy stalker of a recent college graduate. But then there's the tampon ad where the woman plugs the leak in the boat with her tampon.

If we were riding in a boat, and the woman plugged it with a tampon, I think that would pretty much kill the date at that moment. While it does lead one to question why the Exxon Valdez and the Titanic didn't simply store large quantities of tampons, it's pretty much a guarantee of a gross out for anyone with a "Y" Chromosome. I'd like to counter with a condom ad where a guy consoles a crying child by blowing up a condom and handing it to him. I don't think it would go over that well.

But while I think these ads insult the intelligence of most Americans, I can't escape the nagging fear that they don't. I DO hope we're better than this, really!

on Jun 14, 2005
I've been disgusted with stupid ads for years now. I stopped watching commercial television for 2 years because I was sick to death with the insultingly asinine ads.
on Jun 14, 2005
I just quit watching TV all together. However, I did see the new Geico ad with Speed Racer when my sister was watching The Price is Right, and I will admit that it is one of the funniest commercials I've seen in a while!


on Jun 14, 2005
I love advertising...I use the term love very loosely, so I guess I should make myself clear. I think tv ads are funny sometimes I wish they had their own channel. Medical commercials that spoof Dr. Seuss are the best. When companies steal each other’s ideas and the ultra dramatic Allstate commercials are second. But one thing that does really bother me is the double Geico commercials. Seriously I saw it once, that is enough.
on Jun 14, 2005
Personally, I like a girl with a touch of the McGuyver spirit. So if we were in a sinking rowboat, and she just happened to have the perfect implement for saving us an unplanned swim, no, it would not kill the date. In fact, it would be... kind of hot.

And apparently Marines in Iraq have discovered that "sanitary napkins" make excellent improvised bandages. Here I always thought they were for absorbing bluish watery liquids. Apparently they're good for soaking up blood as well! Who knew?

Oh. Wait a minute... yeah, that whole fiction about the bluish watery liquid is pretty insulting... or is it?
on Jun 14, 2005
I spent a lot of time as a National Guard Combat Lifesaver Instructor (and a little time a training Army medics) where I taught them that a great non-issue item to carry in their "jump bags" is Tampons. They do a great job of controling bleeding from bullet wounds. They are about the right size (when dry), and well, what are they designed to do?

Wouldn't that make for a great commercial! ;~D
on Jun 14, 2005
Heh, have you seen the one where they cover a lounge chair with a giant pad?

Ewww. That's all I have to say.
on Jun 15, 2005
if i was in a sinking boat and my date plugged the leak with a tampon, i'd keep her really close least til some other woman saved my life (and boat).

if, as she was fishing the tampon outta her purse, she looked right into my panicky eyes, smiled confindently and said, 'i've got some good news...' i'd never leave home without her.

tampon...$0.099 (if you buy a box of 10 at the 99c store)
being saved by a woman who's not only practical, smart and a smartass....priceless.
on Jun 15, 2005

Gideon, I long ago realized that commercials were geared to the mentality of a 10 year old.

Sure, some are cute (I would personally like to see those cats eat that damn gecko!), but they are not designed to challenge one mentally.  All you have to do is watch your children watching them.  And see at what age they are amused, and then when they get bored.  It is an interesting study in sociology.

on Jun 15, 2005

#7 by kingbee
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

if i was in a sinking boat and my date plugged the leak with a tampon, i'd keep her really close least til some other woman saved my life (and boat).

if, as she was fishing the tampon outta her purse, she looked right into my panicky eyes, smiled confindently and said, 'i've got some good news...' i'd never leave home without her.

tampon...$0.099 (if you buy a box of 10 at the 99c store)
being saved by a woman who's not only practical, smart and a smartass....priceless.

If I was in that boat and my date had a tampon "big" enough to plug the hole in the boat....I'd be looking for a new date.