The journey from there to here

Give me your 4-year-olds, and within a generation I'll construct a Socialist State.    -V.I. Lenin

I have repeatedly asserted that we, as Americans, are fast becoming a socialist nation. A look at the way our society is evolving would bear this out. While the minimum age for compulsory attendance laws in any state is 6, parents have been prosecuted for truancy regarding children as young as 4 within the "Head Start" program.

Child Protective Services is a willing tool in the construction of a socialist state. CPS advocates argue that the government can raise the children of poor families much better than can the parents of those children (though they would argue this is not so, poor families are the subject of FAR more investigations than are wealthy families, despite the fact that abuse does not know financial limits). CPS workers routinely flout the Constitution and violate the rights of individuals in their goals. While they would argue that their primary goal is reunification with family, again, statistics would call this into question, and, even when a child IS returned to their family, YEARS of CPS oversight are likely to follow.

In the eyes of CPS, homeschoolers are among the groups that are automatically suspect. In far too many cases, homeschooling is the primary justification for removal of a child. This is because homeschooled children, unlike children in public education, are not under the daily scrutiny of CPS shills who will often call CPS at the drop of a hat, thinking it their "civic duty".

As individuals, we have become too complacent as our rights are gradually being stripped away. Examine the hard facts of CPS cases, and you will find a systematic persecution of conservative Christians, of homeschoolers, and of other "subversive" elements within their ranks (oddly enough, breastfeeding mothers sometimes fit the bill of being targets). There is no objectivism within the CPS ranks; theirs is an agenda that we as Americans should ALL fear.

As a nation, we issued a resounding "NO!" to the Soviet Socialist state. I find it odd, and even tragic, that little more than a decade after the fall of the Soviet Union, we are embracing that which we loathed not so long ago. Perhaps Kruschev was right when he said they would take over the US without firing a shot.


on Jun 13, 2005
One step at a time.  ONe step at a time.  They are patient, and deadly.