In my previous article, I shared an article where CPS workers took a child from their parents alleging medical neglect. What shocked me was that they used an AMBER ALERT to find the child.
The Amber Alert system was, and is, an important tool to find missing an exploited children. It assists authorities in the most crucial element, time. It should not EVER be allowed to be abused in the manner that it was abused by CPS workers, who seized this child based on an ANONYMOUS TIP of a "SUSPICION" of neglect. There are so many problems here, it's not even funny.
Because of the high profile of this case, it's likely the parents will get the legal representation they need to assist their child, who is already struggling with cancer, and doesn't need this additional trauma, in being returned home. But what of the millions of parents without access to the media? What of THEIR rights?
In a previous blog, I issued a call to end anonymous CPS reporting, that was initially poorly received (to be fair, two of the respondents, when they realized how things really worked, saw the logic of my argument). This case only underscores the abuses that can happen when CPS is given unrestricted oversight and free reign without regards to the US Constitution. It is time that we tell them that their days of legal kidnapping are OVER!