The journey from there to here

Those Morgan Stanley commercials are starting to creep me out. First there was the couple on the beach where the man talks to the woman about building their dream house and she asks her husband, who has been out of sight all this time, what he thinks. Then there's the business where the Morgan Stanley guy is made to look like the CEO at a ribbon cutting ceremony. Third is the one where the Morgan Stanley guy is talking about a recent graduate's personal stories from childhood as if he were the father. The idea, as the commercial professes, is that they are "unusually devoted to your dreams".

Yeah. There's a word for that. It's called "Stalker".

I'm just hoping the Schwab guy isn't that creepy.

on Jun 09, 2005
Yeah, you're right, they are creepy. I've noticed that as well. But maybe rich people dig devoted financial planning stalkers?
on Jun 09, 2005
Isn't Gene Hackman the Schwab guy? At least the voice. I think it is great to have an investment councilor that nearby. Anything within punching, eye-gouging range is great.
on Jun 11, 2005
yeah Baker, it is Hackman, but it is ok, because after all, he is in everything.
on Jun 11, 2005
You guys pay way too much attention to commercials.
on Jun 12, 2005
i'm waiting for a commercial in which either the morgan stanley guy, the bk king or the aflac duck sly announces he (or it) has 'some good news'
on Jun 12, 2005
"'m waiting for a commercial in which either the morgan stanley guy, the bk king or the aflac duck sly announces he (or it) has 'some good news'"

I don't usually fall for those, but they got me good the other day with the one with 'gazelle' exercise guy. Tony something. I never saw it coming. I fell for the one with speedracer, too.
on Jun 12, 2005
I don't usually fall for those, but they got me good the other day with the one with 'gazelle' exercise guy. Tony something. I never saw it coming. I fell for the one with speedracer, too.

Heh, the camping one ala Old Navy was good. The first time I saw it, I was sure it was an Old Navy commercial. Hehe.

You guys pay way too much attention to commercials.

Yes, yes I do. My favorite is the GE one with the dancing elephant. I want a dancing elephant, but my husband won't let me get one.
on Jun 12, 2005
Well, that was supposed to be the sad face, but angry works too, hehe.