Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States made a decision giving the federal government the ability to override state law in prosecuting a certain class of hardened criminals.
Who are these criminals, that the government should get tough on them? Are they murderers? rapists? Identity thieves? No, these dangerous criminals are those sick and dying who have committed the unconscionable crime of turning to medical marijuana to alleviate their symptoms. In yet another blow to the states' rights that the GOP falsely claims to champion, the Bush league took to SCOTUS a challenge to the medical marijuana laws enacted in ten states. SCOTUS' decision allows for the federal prosecution of citizens within that state.
If there was an issue of interstate transportation, then yes, I would agree, the fed has oversight. But when the issue is marijuana grown within the state for medical use, there shouldn't be a case. In its zeal to continue the failed and discrtedited "war on drugs", SCOTUS made another decision whose impact will only stand to make criminals out of a group of people who want nothing more than to live the remainder of their lives with a little less suffering.