The journey from there to here

Lately anyone who hasn't been living in a cave in the Tora Bora mountains has heard about enough on the dems' threat to filibuster Bush's court nominees and the GOP threat to vote to eliminate the filibuster. But most people don't seem to know, or care, why this matters.

You see, if politicians of either stripe have proven anything, it is the ability to prattle on endlessly about nothing. A few hours with CSpan will confirm this fact. Does any of us want or need to hear Ted Kennedy go on for three hours about his trip to Burning Man with Harry Reid? Do we need to hear Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold analyze the Bucks' draft picks or discuss the current state of affairs of the Green Bay Packers? A filibuster is a frightening thing indeed, and we, the American people, stand to get to see the highlights on the Nightly News.

If Nancy Pelosi discusses her lobotomy, the TV's going off. For GOOD.

on May 24, 2005

If Nancy Pelosi discusses her lobotomy, the TV's going off. For GOOD