The journey from there to here

Well, the Texas legislature, for bad or good, decided to put the constitutional amendment effectively banning gay marriage on the November ballot. So it's going to be "crunch time" for gay rights advocates wanting to insure that this piece of legislation doesn't pass. They have my vote, but I am writing this article to give them a couple of pointers in preparing their campaign.

First, don't make this an issue about your lifestyle. If you do, you will lose. It's that simple. The majority of Texans find your lifestyle repugnant and will not for a second support any act to legitimize it. That statement isn't "homophobic", it's fact.

Second, don't alienate potential allies. There are many who, though they find your lifestyle personally repugnant, find themselves on the fringe and don't care what you do when your doors are closed. If you get involved in red herring, tangential debates, you will lose. Realize that, for the moment what matters is that they can accept your viewpoint on this position.

Third, don't cast yourself as an "oppressed minority". You are NOT Rosa Parks, and any attempt to cast yourself as such is an insult to the fine men and women of ALL races and creeds who helped to gain civil rights in this country.

If you want to win this battle, concentrate on the fact that "lifestyle legislation" has the potential to harm those far outside its sphere of influence. Further "definitions of marriage" could revert back to anachronistic same faith marriages and a ban on interracial marriages. This legislation is, in short, an area where no politician should have the right to legislate. And THAT'S where you need to concentrate your efforts.

Frankly, I don't see any way this amendment will fail. It would truly surprise me if it did. But if you concentrate your efforts on our acceptance of your lifestyle, I can virtually GUARANTEE its passage.

on May 23, 2005
Do you think they will listen?  Seriously?
on May 23, 2005
Do you think they will listen? Seriously?

Do you think the other side will listen to them?
on May 24, 2005

Do you think the other side will listen to them?

I think Gideon is giving some sage advise.  That does not mean any will listen.  But the radical gay community does not seem to be willing to work to get their ways other than an in your face attitude.  It would behoove them to listen, but I dont think they will.

on May 24, 2005
Good advice Gideon, but the militant Gay rights folks don't seem to be willing to let well enough alone. If you don't completely agree with their lifestyle, you are a bigot. It doesn't seem to matter if you agree with their right to their lifestyle, but consider their lifestyle repugnant. It's like they think it should be illegal to disagree with them politically.

I think they will lose on that basis alone.
on May 24, 2005
The problem with the gay rights folks, as well as a lot of the militant minority groups is that they want an all-or-nothing solution. They don't want to take steps towards the goal, they want to go from Point A to Point Z and skip everything in the middle. They seem to think that the best way to change how people think is to force it on them. They want more than legal protection, they want the law to force people to agree with their lifestyle. That's not cool.

I support full gay marraige, I support the idea that there be NO legal differentiation between straight and gay couples. For this, I think the government should change the laws so EVERYTHING is a Civil Union, leave Marraige to churches. Straight couple? Civil Union in the eyes of the law. Gay couple? Same thing. That said, there are steps we have to take to reach this point, and it's going to take a while. They should give up on getting the term "Marraige" since that is a battle they will never ever ever win, make it so the term is given back to Religion and let THEM fight the battle... I'm tired of my tax dollars being spent on arguing the use of a word.

They won't listen Gid... and they don't realize that they are doing more to defeat their cause than anyone else. Everyone who opposes gay marraige could sit by quietly, and the gay advocates would drive most everyone to the opposition. Why fight something when your opponent is doing the fighting FOR you?
on May 24, 2005
make it so the term is given back to Religion and let THEM fight the battle

What about churches that condone gay marriage? Take it one step further, what about polygamist churches. It is not just the conservative Christians that have a monopoly on marriage.
on May 24, 2005
what office races or other amendments will yall be voting on in this election?
on May 24, 2005

what office races or other amendments will yall be voting on in this election?

I'd have to look that up. I'm still new to Texas

What about churches that condone gay marriage? Take it one step further, what about polygamist churches.

I have long said the government doesn't belong in marriage, period. You may not have seen it, but I believe it's a church and state issue, be it polygamy or gay marriage.

And, they may not listen, but I've said my piece at least