The journey from there to here

Well, Mary Kay LeTourneau and her former student are officially married. Tabloid TV will be bringing us the nuptials with pictures of the cooing loving couple heading off to their honeymoon.

But tabloid TV won't address why our society's double standard would (rightly, in my opinion) condemn a 25 year old man from having sex with a 13 year old girl and fathering two children with her to a lifetime of sexual offender registry and a gaggle of protestors outside his house demanding that he move out of the neighborhood while casting Ms. LeTourneau as a victim of a star crossed love.

Ms. LeTourneau has the added responsibility of being a TEACHER, an instructor who was to educate her students, not seduce them. She had incredible power to shape young lives, and she abused it by her inappropriate relationships with her 12 year old student, not once, but over a period of time, her latter conviction coming as she was OUT ON PAROLE for the first.

So she is a not once, but TWICE convicted sex offender, and, while she required to register as such, she is treated with celebrity status. Her story has netted her millions, while she should be languishing in jail as would any male sex offender of the same status.

While Vili Falaau (sp?) is now an adult and has the right to make decisions as such, it doesn't change what Ms. LeTourneau did. The fact that she has been celebrated repulses me.

Perhaps, in 20 years, she'll be regarded as the "Rosa Parks" of pedophile rights.

on May 21, 2005
While I do agree, it is a messed up relationship those two share (how can it not be with their history?). And they are both old enough now they should be able to make their own choices. But the double standard is bad. Although, you did mention on pedophile rights (which almost sounds like a contradiction). Between this, ParaTed2k's series, and a few other things I've read I've been doing some thinking on the general topic.
On the one hand, yes, kids should be protected from predators (be they older people or the more traditional lions, tigers, and bears). But on the other hand, if two people are mature enough and do love each other, they should be able to do, well the things lovers do together. The hard part is judging when someone is mature enough to make those kinds of decisions for themself (and who makes that judgement). By law I believe that age is 18, but that is rather abitrary and questionable (You can die for your country, raise your own kids, but can't drink alcohol? We have issues...). Some parents might say their children are never mature enough (not wanting their children to grow up and all). While most kids will insist they are mature enough long before they are.
I guess in a perfect world, the community would know it's members well enough to have a rough idea who was ready to be an adult and would treat those that were appropriately, regardless of age. Course, we don't live in a perfect world (unless it's a perfectly messed up one...), so that option is doubtful to work well. Oh well, guess I'll take my perverted ideas and go elsewhere
on May 21, 2005
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, where homosexuality was (in the way of societal acceptance) in the 70's, Pedophilia is now. In 25 years or so, not only will pedophilia be defended, anyone who is against it will be considered a "bigot".

Today there is even a member of the Supreme Court (Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg), who believes parents shouldn't have any right to stop a pedophile from molesting our kids, as long as the kid is 12 or above and "consents" to the molestation.

That is one of the reasons why I focused on the predatory pedophile in my series of articles. They are gaining acceptance in our sick society.
on May 21, 2005
But on the other hand, if two people are mature enough and do love each other, they should be able to do, well the things lovers do together.

Good point Danny, but remember, the only reason these two marrying is news at all is because of her molestation of him when he was 13. In other words, their actions several years ago are being "legitimized" in the press today. She is a sex offender who has an army of defenders. That is the sick part.
on May 21, 2005
She started the relationship when he was 12, and she started screwing him when he was 13. She's a predator...she took advantage of that child. She has, to me, manipulated him since getting pregnant (not once, but twice) she's made sure she and he will have ties to one another for the rest of their lives. I cannot see it lasting, to be honest. I think that when the novelty has worn off and she can't keep up with him anymore, when he wants to go party and she's too menopausal to hang....I think that it will all fall to pieces.

Not too many things disgust me, but her actions do. Once again, I'm finding that the ground in which I'm trying to plant her seed of compassion is hard and stony....

Would this be as acceptable if the gener roles were reversed? If the teacher was a man and his 'victim' was a young girl?
on May 21, 2005
Yep, double standard, yep, sick and twisted, I didn't forget that.
on May 21, 2005
too bad women can't be priests cuz then she coulda maybe also performed the ceremony.
on May 22, 2005
I think you're all missing something here - she molested him in the past and he is NOW an adult, he can choose who he wants and obviously believes himself to be in love with her. So get over it. If he's been blindsighted by her than that's his issue, and not one for the rest of the world to judge anymore. When he was 12, yah go ahead and judge him but that was a looooong time ago. I am by no means defending Mary Kay, I think what she did to him when he was 12/13 was sick and it turns my stomach to think people like that would do that when in her professional position. However, both have made their choice. Big deal. I'd much rather discuss Karla Homolka getting out of prison than their marriage. To me, that's much more detrimental to society. As far as I'm concerned, they should be left alone to their relationship and family and the world should move on.
on May 22, 2005
I think you're all missing something here - she molested him in the past and he is NOW an adult, he can choose who he wants and obviously believes himself to be in love with her. So get over it.

This is true, and I have no reason to question their right to marry. However, my concern is with how many people even back then defended her molestations. She is a pedophile, yet she is a media darling. The fact she's had a "fan" club basically since the story of her abusing the boy broke is what concerns me.

As far as I'm concerned, they should be left alone to their relationship and family and the world should move on.

The world would have let her rot in her sex offender cell, but the press and the predatory pedophile herself keep it on the front pages.
on May 23, 2005

too bad women can't be priests cuz then she coulda maybe also performed the ceremony.

Priests cannot marry, so is that an argument for maintaining celebacy?

on May 23, 2005

I think you're all missing something here - she molested him in the past and he is NOW an adult, he can choose who he wants and obviously believes himself to be in love with her. So get over it. If he's been blindsighted by her than that's his issue, and not one for the rest of the world to judge anymore. When he was 12, yah go ahead and judge him but that was a looooong time ago. I am by no means defending Mary Kay, I think what she did to him when he was 12/13 was sick and it turns my stomach to think people like that would do that when in her professional position. However, both have made their choice. Big deal. I'd much rather discuss Karla Homolka getting out of prison than their marriage. To me, that's much more detrimental to society. As far as I'm concerned, they should be left alone to their relationship and family and the world should move on.


Actually, I'm NOT missing the point. Frankly, I don't think a TWICE CONVICTED child molestor should be out of prison as soon as she was. The fact that she is even out of prison to marry him at this point galls me. What she did was atrocious and inexcusable; again, if she were a man and the victim were a girl, she would have never made it out of the prison alive, let alone, been able to MARRY her victim.