The journey from there to here
Published on May 21, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Home & Family

OK, here's the backstory.

In our quest towards eventually living off our 1/4 acre lot, I have been experimenting with various agricultural methods I have learned about through the years. One of those methods is a favorite among survivalists; the idea is, you plant potatoes inside a tire, then add dirt and tires to the potato plant as it grows upward. When the plant has fully grown, according to what I have heard, you will be able to pull off each tire, knock the dirt out, and have potatoes all the way down. Basically you grow them vertically instead of horizontally.

You with me so far? Anyway, so here's the scoop. I planted my potatoes inside the tire, then noticed last Saturday it was time to start working them into the second tire and adding dirt. While I had been raised with the idea that potatoes need to grow in clay, so many people around here grow them in sandy soil that I don't have to question whether or not they'll grow here. So I dutifully added the second tire and added sand until only the topmost leaves were poking out. Wednesday I noticed I had to add some more sand, and today, the second tire is HALF FULL of dirt! This dirt's better than Miracle Gro, for cryin' out loud! I just hope there's taters all the way down.

(side note to Texaswahine and/or lostintexas: what the heck did you guys add to this soil?!?)

on May 21, 2005
Shame I don't have a magic carpet or I'd come visit you Have fun with your gardening
on May 21, 2005
(side note to Texaswahine and/or lostintexas: what the heck did you guys add to this soil?!?)

State pride.

If you think potatoes grow great here, try a tomato bed. Turn over a little soil, add some cow sh....manure, plant seeds, and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!! Or maybe just get some cages, but they'll go nuts. Oh yeah, (pardon the pun), sweet watermelons too.
on May 21, 2005
mmmmm, fried taters.
on May 21, 2005
Great idea!! I've always laughed at anyone who short-sighted enough to think that horizontal gardening and farming is the only way there is. Mt. Dew encourages us to "Get Verticle", well, between "tire" gardening, verticle hydroponics and other alternatives to the status quo, the future of agriculture just might be taking a page from soft drink advertising!
on May 23, 2005
Try Zuchinni.  That stuff grows so fast, that it will take over your whole yard and half the house too!