The journey from there to here
Published on May 20, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

I've always hated pseudo intellectuals. You know the type, the guys who pull our their "word of the day" dictionaries and use the words awkwardly throughout the day (use it three times and its yours, right?), or who look through the thesaurus to come up with a good "stumper" word.

I've always looked for a lighthearted way to deal with their inanity, and as such, I've discovered the joy of adjectives. Adjectives are, quite simply, the easiest part of speech to "manufacture" words without detection. Many people rely on the "shorter is better" philosophy when inventing adjectives, but not me. The more complex it is, the less likely they are to look it up (and even less likely they are to admit they don't know what you're talking about). The fun part is, that I have had some of these pseudointellectuals nod in agreement when I tell them about the "perflindiculous political situation in Botswana" or the "grifinatimous nature of politics".

Gotta go. I have a jeflimopitous appointment that must be kept.

on May 20, 2005

Gotta go. I have a jeflimopitous appointment that must be kept

They may know what you are talking about, but HUH? 

I would say a second requirement is to know how to pronounce these mouthfuls!

on May 20, 2005

That's another beauty of it. The bigger the word, the less likely they are going to be able to manufacture an acceptable spelling to look it up!

To answer the "huh?", it's a made up adjective. That's the point! (hehe).

on May 20, 2005
So basically you're taking advantigarious liberities with them?
on May 20, 2005

So basically you're taking advantigarious liberities with them?

That must be his strateegery.

on May 20, 2005
You mean the type of pseudo intellectuals who call atheism a poor "science"?

Sorry, just coulnd't resist.

I am bad.
on May 21, 2005
Not I...yeah, not only are you bad, but you didn't read the article apparently!
on May 22, 2005

Not I...yeah, not only are you bad, but you didn't read the article apparently!

That is a mismalappropriated non declaritive sentence.