The journey from there to here

I have been working as hard as I can to get back into shape. Because I tend to overwork myself when I exercise, I've been doing it in small steps. This has resulted in slow progress, but what I'm looking for is a pattern I can stay with long after I've achieved my desired results.

My knee has been day to day. Some days I can barely walk on it, other days it feels fine. I was fortunate that yesterday it felt fine.

So, I decided to do the unthinkable, and climbed off the couch and onto the floor to meditate. Mind you, I haven't sat on the floor "Indian style" in many many years, and haven't been ABLE to in several years at least. So there was some satisfaction in the fact I was able to sit there in one position for almost an hour.

Sure, I was stiff when I got up, but hey...I'm getting somewhere at least!

on May 18, 2005
Yeah you, keep up the good work.
on May 24, 2005
Neato! Every little bit helps doesn't it? Keeps those joints flexible I say!
on Jun 10, 2005
I can tell from the messages I've seen in Joeuser blogs that there is a great deal of confusion and concern about how to lose weight safely and easily and I'd like to help you to overcome those difficulties. The first step is that you have to want to do it. Lose weight that is. Then you have to want to keep it off, without adopting some kind of austere monk-like existence. OK? Then I can help you.
Compltet the online survey and get a free weight loss consultation
on Jun 10, 2005

Thanks for the link, but no confusion here, actually. I've already lost about 100 lbs, but I put about 20 of 'em back on, and have kind of stuck there for over a year. I'm just looking to get doiwn to my target weight.

I'll leave the link, though, in case someone else can use it.