In the wake of the recent announcement of proposed base closings, we see one of the biggest obstacles to federal cost cutting. That is, almost everyone's in favor of cost cutting...until it hits a program or service that affects them directly.
Every base on the list could argue reasons for staying open. All of those reasons would be compelling. And while I personally sympathize with these people and the lost jobs that will result from base closings, we have to see the best interests of ALL Americans as more pressing than the interests of SOME. And reducing the size of the federal government IS in all of our best interests.
The weeks and months to follow will bring about a flood of protests from communities and states hit by base closures and realignments. Likely news shows will cover stories of communities who fear they can't survive without the military bases. And these shows will be designed to provoke a sense of outrage at the Bush administration for hurting these poor Americans' economies.
But whether to fall for it or not is up to you. I hope you will put objectivity and reason ahead of emotion in the weeks and months to come, and realize that this probably is in the country's best interests.