The journey from there to here
Published on May 14, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

I get the majority of my news from the internet. I have heard from a lot of people who consider this unwise because most of the news is "spin" and has to be fact checked.

While this is true, these people operate under the misconception that "mainstream" media is any different. But because mainstream media is edited by people, it will ALWAYS suffer the bias of the interpreter.

Internet media is no different in this regard. But UNLIKE mainstream media, with the internet, I have the ABILITY to fact check, and it's easier not to take the information at face value. This past election year underscored this point definitively. Had I been forced to rely on TV newsmedia, I would have been exposed to an endless litany of untruths, half truths and hyperbole. I suspect it has been no different in elections past; but over a decades' reliance on the internet brought the "other sides" of the story out in a degree like no election in the past.

Yesterday was another prime example. I encountered a webpage trying to provoke the reader to outrage over provisions in the No Child Left Behind Act that required participating schools to share information on students with military recruiters. A closer examination of the FACTS; however, led me to the exact OPPOSITE response, and, in fact, a certain frustration with the blogger for wasting my time.

This set me to thinking: would my response have been the same if I had watched the same information presented on a news show, such as 20/20 or Primetime live? In truth, I think I would have been one of the more vocal critics. I value privacy and I resent government intrusions on such. I would even resent this if there weren't an opt out, and if it weren't just an open statement of a policy long held by public school systems.

The ability to fact check, however, led me to a quite different, and, I believe, more rational decision. This is, in my opinion, a perfect example of how the internet, used wisely, can lead to a better informed and more properly equipped populace.

on May 14, 2005
At a time when so-called "legitimate" reporters are paid members of election staffs, stories are written without the "reporter" ever leaving the comfort of the bar stool, newspapers knowingly printing outright lies, and the rest of their peers either saying nothing at all or defending the others, there is no such thing as "real" news anymore.

When I was in EMS, we were constantly put through peer reviews, competency testing on the latest changes in protocols and DOT, and medical standards, and even went through testing at work. We didn't like it, but we protected the professional level of our profession. Apparently "journalists" don't care how pathetic their profession is becoming.

It used to be "All the News Fit to Print", now it's "Whatever Lie We Think We Can Get Away With".

Life sucks, then you read the work of a worthless reporter!
on May 15, 2005

I know what you mean. Often I come across some dynamite story only to have it be a hoax or lie, but I always double and tripple check it before saying "Aha!".

And as we found with rathergate, you cannot rely on the MSM as being a reliable source any longer.

on May 15, 2005
you cannot rely on the MSM as being a reliable source any longer.

The MSM can not serve two masters. The MSM in America is a corporate animal. How do you balance the interest of the public against the survival of your corporation which happens to own the news (i.e. General Electric). The BLOGS are the real world media. Many just don't know it yet. Time passes quickly in the age of the internet and people will continue to evolve, become smarter and more skeptical. I think the giant with the truth is on the horizon.
on May 15, 2005

The MSM can not serve two masters. The MSM in America is a corporate animal. How do you balance the interest of the public against the survival of your corporation which happens to own the news (i.e. General Electric).

The problem with that premise is that they do not serve their corporate masters, but their political ones.  The proof is in the reporting.  How many lies have they printed/aired on their liberal masters vs how many  on conservatives?  I am not talking news, but made up stories.