While I am a hardcore Libertarian, I want to go on record as stating I know the Libertarian Party isn't perfect. There are issues with it, as well as with ANY political party.
But while I am hoping to reform some of those issues at least, I remain firm in my commitment to the party. Why? Well, the same reason Democrats stay loyal to their party, despite the fact that most members will concede flaws; and the same reason Republican stay loyal to the GOP despite seeing obvious flaws in the party as well.
Very few people associated with a party will adhere to 100% of its platform. The few that do usually do so out of a sense of solidarity rather than blind allegiance. The majority that do not recognize that sometimes we need to work with others to accomplish our aims.
I find it interesting to note that a recent comment accusing me of "siding with the ACLU" ignored the fact that, as a Libertarian, I am with a party that has also consistently sided with the NRA. The ACLU slam also ignores that SOME of the ACLU's cases have been legitimate defenses of constitutional rights. Even the ACLU is right occasionally.
I examined both the democrats and the republicans over the years. As detestable as I find the democrats' push to the left, I find the Republican hypocrisy equally appalling. They claim to be for smaller government, yet push more and more federal standards. They pushed for a balanced budget when Clinton was president, yet suddenly it no longer matters now that their party is in control. They climb on the bandwagon of states' rights, yet underride them when it is convenient for them to do so. (for the record, I already did this blog on the inconsistencies of the Democrats).
In all of this mess, the best political option I have found is the LP. Because the LP stands for most of the things I support, and very few things that I don't. It is, simply, a party of inclusion, where neither of the "big two" can be counted as such.
But I will readily acknowledge that we have some work to do.