The city of Amarillo, for now, at least, does not have a public smoking ban.
There are probably those who wonder why I should care since a) I don't smoke;
I don't live in Amarillo.
It's simple really. You see, an indoor smoking ban is a pretty egregious infringement on the rights of business owners. Not only does it affect consumers,most of whom, in my experience, at least, are polite enough to head outside, but it affects the owners by dictating to them what they can and cannot allow within their business establishments.
A ban is the ultimate insult to the intelligence of Americans. It says, in effect, "you are too STUPID to make this decision, so I will make it for you". Bans differ from laws in that they revolve around individual choices, and thus are anathema to liberty. Laws, in theory, at least, protect the common interest.
We are beginning to see more and more Americans rebel against the concept of overgovernment. While Libertarians aren't being embraced wholesale, the same cannot be said of the causes we have long championed. Smoking bans, once a given when put before voters are being challenged by people who realize that it's simply not ABOUT smoking: It's about individual rights and responsibilities.