This is another blog in my series addressing the needed changes in the "child welfare" system.
One of the most common misconceptions that people have about state removal of children from their homes is that it is only used in the most extreme cases. This myth is dispelled by reality. In one of the FAQ's from the National Center for Child Protection Reform's website (Link), this question is answered:
Q: Isn't foster care used only in the most severe cases of abuse?
A: No. Although some parents really are brutally abusive or hopelessly addicted, many more are not. Some accused parents are innocent of any wrongdoing. In other cases, the family is poor, and that poverty has been confused with child "neglect." In still other cases, the parent is neither all victim nor all villain, but any problems in the family could have been solved with the right kind of help, while keeping the family together safely.We believe that no child should ever be removed from the child's family for neglect alone, unless the child is suffering, or is at imminent risk of suffering, identifiable, serious harm that cannot be remediated by services
I just discovered the nccpr in my research on the abuses of child protective services throughout the country. They are working against the government sponsored child abuse that so readily happens when the government decides that it is the better parent than the two loving parents who birthed the child. I left out the other FAQ's so that anyone who is interested in finding out about NCCPR can check on them in the link above. I feel that education in this area is vital. If you don't think it can happen to your family,you are wrong.