Here's an exercise for you, joeusers.
Make a list of everything you would like to see banned. Don't worry about flames from others, seriously. Let's take a look at the things that you would like to see banned.
Now lets look at the list again, and try to see how many of the items on your list might possibly infringe on someone else's rights that are intended to be guaranteed by the Constitution.
Don't get me wrong; laws are essential to an orderly society. But laws should be confined to the bare minimum needed to maintain an orderly society. Honest citizens should not have to fear the legalities of things like building a shed on their property (Oshkosh, Wisconsin allows a maximum of two outbuildings per property), raising chickens (many cities have ordinances against them), the number of rummage sales you can have in a year (Enid, Oklahoma allows 2 per year and a city permit is required), and any number of other laws that are equally ridiculous.
We claim to be a land of the free; how free are we if we have to constantly check city and county codes and state laws before we act to raise our family and provide for our needs?
Think about it. Let's stop talking about banning everything and START talking about how to live as a community without enforcing our values on others.