The journey from there to here

Yesterday's news carried with it a story that we should all view with great alarm: Link . I'll hit you with the meat of it and let you read the story for yourselves.

Basically, the government used foster children as human guinea pigs for untested AIDS drugs. That's right; these unawanted children were used as test subjects for potentially dangerous drugs.

Want to tell me again how the foster care system is for our own good?

on May 06, 2005
What would you expect when we devalue human life but calling anything that cannot feed itself expendable?  It is just the natural evolution of the whole abortion and euthanasia debate.  Since these children do not have any loving parents, who is going to be their champion?
on May 06, 2005
Since these children do not have any loving parents, who is going to be their champion?

Sadly, too many of these children DO have loving parents...the state just determines they can raise them better (see my article following)...but I digress.
on May 06, 2005

Sadly, too many of these children DO have loving parents...the state just determines they can raise them better (see my article following)...but I digress.

I did, and you did not (digress).  I already commented there.  I would hope that they do not use these children (from the other article) in such horrid experiments, but I guess since life is cheap, they feel what is one less mouth to feed?

on May 06, 2005
Clearly, the foster care system IS for our own good.

... it's just not for the good of the children. :-/
on May 06, 2005
This is a vindication of sorts for me, but only in a personal way. I take some personal pride in the knowledge I am far better informed about events than most everyone I seem to come across on the internet, and this story really shows that. This is a story I knew about a long time ago. The clincher is how the reality of facts is still distorted in the mainstream sector.
on May 06, 2005


Interesting, isn't it, how fringe sources (my personal favorite is "truthout") actually SCOOP the mainstream media from time to time? (hint: the government DID start the fire at Waco).

on May 06, 2005

Clearly, the foster care system IS for our own good.

... it's just not for the good of the children. :-/

I guess that symbol at the end is the one for sarcasm?

on May 07, 2005
This is a vindication of sorts for me, but only in a personal way. I take some personal pride in the knowledge I am far better informed about events than most everyone I seem to come across on the internet, and this story really shows that.

And this self-aggrandizing "look at me" statement contributes to the discussion in what way?

This sort of story just demonstrates the real value the "benevolent" government places on human beings.