First of all, to start this off, I'd like someone to point to me the passage in the US Constitution where ANY BRANCH of the federal government is required to provide jobs.
Have you done that? NO? Well, why don't you check your state constitution for the same passage?
I can't say I'm familiar with all 50 states' constitutions, but I'm reasonably certain you won't find it.
Why? Simply because it is (ready for this?...) NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT!
Expecting the government to be an agent of compassion is imparting onto it a role far larger than any government could reasonably be expected to assume. It is also, as I have repeatedly pointed out, against the concept of personal liberties.
George W. Bush has arguably created jobs. By continuing the war in Iraq and putting soldiers in harm's way so that more than 1500 of them have effectively been removed from the workforce, he has ensured more jobs for the American people. And he could continue to do so if you wanted.
But what I don't get, what I can never get, and this is the point of the article, is how confiscating more and more of Americans' taxes create jobs. If anything, it destroys them as businesses are forced to downsize to meet their payroll. If the government creates jobs within the government to offset this loss, it's a false economy, plain and simple. It is a house of cards that cannot stand over time. And, I fear, that's exactly what we HAVE created in the American economy.
I have yet to meet a liberal who was a good economist. For that matter, I have yet to meet a liberal who meets JFK's famous challenge: "ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your Country". They ask, instead, that the government continue to give at the expense of the wealthy, to help the poor within the country live indulgent lifestyles without earning them.
Liberals, in short, have crippled America's work ethic. Can someone please explain to me how this serves the greater good?