The 2008 Presidential election will be, to me, the most exciting one to watch.
Why? Because something will happen that most likely won't have happened within the lifespan of anyone reading this blog.
Now, I did blog on this before, but it bears repeating that third parties need to be gearing up for this election. It will be unique in the fact that, for the first time since 1928, the election will not feature an incumbent president or vice president running for either office. Dick Cheney is simply too old, and the fact is, if he were to run, he likely wouldn't make it past the primaries based on very real fears that he would not serve out his term.
This means there is no "incumbent advantage" (or, as in the case of Al Gore in 2000, incumbent DISadvantage), meaning that the candidates will come from the field of recognizable senators, governors, and other leaders from both parties. It is fertile ground for a third party to advance its platform to the American people.
This will definitely be an election to remember (there are other reasons, but I'll reveal them later...don't want to steal my own thunder).