The journey from there to here

In a recent article, one blogger derided those who watch "desperate housewives".

Now don't get me wrong, I don't watch the show. In fact, when given the choice last night to watch Rosie O'Donnell as a retard or "desperate housewives", I reached into my cheesy film vault for a 1973 cheesy vampire movie starring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing and featuring the best wardrobe since "Starsky & Hutch".

But the point is, I HAD that choice. And I MADE that choice.

"Desperate Housewives" is among those shows on television that has ZERO appeal to me; I watched one show early on just to see if it was as distasteful as I thought it would be (it was), and haven't watched the show since. But for those who do watch it, for whatever reasons, I would not begin to suggest that I take away from your freedom of choice. As long as you don't take away my cheesy movies, I'll stay away from your TV choices, deal?

Aaaah, it's great to be an American!

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 02, 2005
Hey!  That vampire movie is not cheesy!  It waas one of the most sexual Vampire movies ever made!  I saw it as a teen and decided then and there I wanted to be a vampire!
on May 02, 2005
Nope, sorry. I know better than you do what you should be watching so from now on you will only watch those entertainment items which I deem to be worthy of attention. Got it? Good.
on May 02, 2005
I saw it as a teen and decided then and there I wanted to be a vampire!

I'm telling Buffy.
on May 02, 2005
Why aren't you posting this on her article?

on May 02, 2005

I'm telling Buffy.

Dont bother.  I was too geeky for them!

on May 02, 2005
Dont bother. I was too geeky for them!

Too geeky for them to slay?
on May 02, 2005

Too geeky for them to slay?

To make me a Vampire!  I liked garlic too much!

on May 02, 2005
I luv desperate houswives. In fact, I wish I could get my hands on Texas Whaine's big threads. Squeeze, squeeze. drop the zero, tex and get with the Big JoeBob hero.
on May 02, 2005
To make me a Vampire!

Why would they want to make anyone a vampire?
on May 02, 2005

Why would they want to make anyone a vampire?

Watch the movie!  It is actually quite good.  I think it is Dracula, Today.  But very good, and they make a lot of vampirettes!

on May 02, 2005
Very good post. I wholeheartedly agree. If people do not like what is on TV they should change the channel. Nicely put.
on May 02, 2005
I liked garlic too much!

I can tell!
Watch the movie! It is actually quite good. I think it is Dracula, Today. But very good, and they make a lot of vampirettes!

What does that have to do with Buffy?

To get on topic, I agree. Does that mean you're against the FCC issuing fines?

At least Desperate Housewives isn't a "reality" show.
on May 02, 2005

To get on topic, I agree. Does that mean you're against the FCC issuing fines?

At least Desperate Housewives isn't a "reality" show.

You have to do that!

No, it means Choice!  Watch what you want to!  nothing more, nothing less.

on May 02, 2005
Yup, freedom of choice. The same choice that I exercised when I got rid of television completely. I did this before "Desperate Housewives" aired, but from what I hear, it is just the sort of trash that was among my reasons for trashing TV completely.

(((((((Although, my freedom of choice does tell me that Teri Hatcher is one Hottie!!)))) ;~D
on May 02, 2005
Oui, but one man's trash is another (wo)man's treasure. The show may be trashy at times, but it's dang funny! 'Course I watched Friends for 10 years, so I'm hopeless.

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