The journey from there to here

I feel newly freed from a horrendous exile.

Last night, I discovered that we can get in a rather fuzzy version of the local Fox affiliate and I took full advantage.

There they were, in full fuzz: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and Santa's Little Helper. All of the characters I have come to know and love...but haven't been able to watch in almost 18 months (you never know what you've got till you lose it, right?

Yes, there were times when Homer looked like a piece of navel lint. And Bart's voice sounded like he was speaking over a GI Joe walkie talkie. But they were there. And I am now determined to get a good signal amplifier.

(in best Vivien Leigh voice): "As God is my witness...I will never go Fox-Less AGAIN!"

on May 02, 2005
Ah.....time for the rabbit ears with the thirty feet of copper wire going out the window to large random metal object of your choice..........not that I've ever done that for reception before.................sure.
on May 02, 2005

And this is your followup to the rare old book site?  You are a man of wide tastes!  I would send you my simpsons if I could.  It is not my cup of tea.

on May 02, 2005
lol dr. guy, yes I do have a wide variety of tastes indeed! And I'm proud of it, man!
on May 02, 2005
I'm sorry, it's my duty to inform you that snowy images of Simpsons episodes are not on my approved viewing list. You will have to immediately cease attempting to view these images at once.

Instead, you should immerse yourself in the approved espisodes of Gilligan's Island and MacGyver until you receive further instructions as to what is in your best interest.
on May 02, 2005
Don't you watch Family Guy?
on May 02, 2005
This is certainly excellent news, Gideon. Woohoo!
on May 02, 2005

This is certainly excellent news, Gideon. Woohoo!

No,that is Wahoo!  As in UVA.  As in Not Simpsons!

Bart not here!