The journey from there to here

As I blogged a few weeks ago, I was finally able to become a dues paying Libertarian. This was very important to me for reasons that will become clear over the next couple of years, but primarily because I feel it is important for third party members to pay dues when they are able so that they can advance the views of the party to which they adhere.

Well, today my card came in the mail. So, I am a "card carrying" Libertarian. While I have been a Libertarian for some time now, it's kind of neat to confer a sort of officiality to it all. When I run for the nonpartisan city council in our community next year, I will be able to do so proudly knowing that I am a  representative of my party as well as my community.

on Apr 30, 2005
big deal ya got a library card..
on Apr 30, 2005
Doesn't the fact that you are required to carry a card compromise your liberty?
on May 01, 2005
what? they have more than two parties?

(now Gideon kills me for my ignorance)
on May 01, 2005
Congratulations on getting a card about something you have been for a long time...(yes, I was TRYING to have a lackluster congrats. Want a better one? Okay)

on May 01, 2005
Very cool, Gideon.
on May 02, 2005

Congratulations on getting a card about something you have been for a long time...(yes, I was TRYING to have a lackluster congrats. Want a better one? Okay)

It wasn't about that, NJ...having the card is just public recognition of who I am.

In Nevada, you can register Libertarian. In Texas, you don't register to a specific party. That's part of the point, being on a "list" gives me better access to fellow Libertarians. Plus, there is the fact of paying dues and FINANCIALLY supporting my party to the best of my ability to help the party's growth, as well as my intended counsil run next year.

Anyway, thanks, all!