I was dismayed when TV programming was interrupted last night for President Bush's press conference. After all, it WAS delaying the most hyped episode of Survivor since...the last episode of Survivor. But I personally prefer source information over others' interpretations of the speech, which I knew I could readily access on the blogsphere.
He started on our point of commonality: Social Security. Why liberals don't get this one is beyond me, a representative of the first generation in line to be shafted once the account runs out of money with which we and our employers have endowed it for many years.
But then he went into defense of No Child Left Behind, which is, in my opinion, an indefensible piece of legislation (it is HORRIBLY unconstitutional). And it went downhill from there.
While he expressed sympathy for the energy "crisis" (read: price gouging), he mentioned no real solutions. Any sincere attempt by this administration to solve the problems created by corporations that hold us hostage over the energy barrel can only begin with an indictment of Ken Lay. I am among the many Americans that is tired of seeing this man go free while lesser offenses (Martha Stewart, anyone?) are presented as sacrificial lambs.
What appalled me the most is that his speech lacked the two words Americans need most to hear:
Exit strategy.