The journey from there to here

I have a screenplay idea. It concerns a male junior high school teacher who seduces a 12 year old student. He is caught by the authorities and given a very light sentence, as the sex was consensual. The twelve year old has his baby in the meantime.

While out on probation a few years later, the teacher and the student have another liaison. Another baby is conceived, and the teacher is sent to jail. A TV movie of the week sympathetically portrays the teacher and the student as being "in love" and caricaturize the press and the teacher's family as not being understanding.

After the teacher's release from his second conviction, the student,now an adult, petitions to be allowed to be with the teacher. They plan to marry and raise a family, and they're booked on every TV interview show that wants to tell the story of these "star crossed lovers".

Sound unreasonably fictitious? That's what I thought, too, until I saw yet another teaser for a sympathetic interview with twice convicted child molestor Mary Kay LeTourneau. Becuase she is a woman, she has been treated with kid gloves, sympathy, and a general feeling that she is a "victim". A male teacher in a similar situation would not be treated as kindly.

Nor should he.

The LeTourneau case has pointed up an interesting double standard in public perception. Ms. LeTourneau's actions were wrong in any light, and she does not deserve the celebrity status that has been afforded her for her actions. She has not once seen the wrongness of her actions, but has instead continued to live in her fairy tale world. And the media has been all too accomodating.

I am not among those who wish her well. Male sex offenders are held in some states far beyond their release dates if they don't comply with therapy that includes a full admission of the wrongness of their actions. Mary Kay LeTourneau; however, is treated as a star.

on Apr 26, 2005

There is a difference between male on girl and female on boy seductions.  NOt to say either is less serious than the other, but it is every boys fantasy, but I doubt that many girls have such fantasies.

ANd I agree, that she is being given the star treatment, and that is just plain wrong.

on Apr 26, 2005
I've often said that (socially and politically speaking) where homosexuality was back in the 60 or 70s, pedophilia is today. So far,

~The American Psychological Association has seriously discussed removing pedophilia from the "Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders" (DSM)

~that same organization has coined the term "intergenerational relationships", and suggested that the adult in such relationships should be welcomed by child's parents as "a healthy part of his upbringing."

~The North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), openly advocates legalization of sex between adult men and young boys under 8 years old.

~Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (while an ACLU lawyer), wrote a paper calling for the lowering of the age of consent to 12.

~and now any people come to the defense of child molestor and convicted statutory rapist Mary Kay LeTourneau.

I am not saying that homosexuals are all pedophiles, but I am betting that in 30 or so years, those who still have the nerve to think that "intergenerational relationships" should be illegal will be considered "bigots" and accused of discrimination towards people who "just want the right to marry who they love".
on Apr 26, 2005
There is a difference between male on girl and female on boy seductions. NOt to say either is less serious than the other, but it is every boys fantasy, but I doubt that many girls have such fantasies.

No, there is no difference between an adult woman becoming pregnant by a 13 year old boy and an adult male teacher getting a 13 year old pregnant. I've always had more friends that are girls than guys, and from what I hear, yes, girls often have such fantasies too. You assuming they don't reminds me of Neal on "Freaks & Geeks" saying, "No, girls don't get horny." ;~D
True, it is a common fantasy of both girls and boys, fortunately most teachers are mature enough to let it remain a fantasy. Even more fortunately, most teachers aren't child molestors like, Mary Kay LeTourneau.
on Apr 26, 2005

True, it is a common fantasy of both girls and boys, fortunately most teachers are mature enough to let it remain a fantasy. Even more fortunately, most teachers aren't child molestors like, Mary Kay LeTourneau.

What I am saying is that faced with the situation, boys will jump at the chance while girls probably would leave it as just a fantasy.  However, that does not change what she is or did.  It is still wrong.

on Apr 26, 2005
What I am saying is that faced with the situation, boys will jump at the chance while girls probably would leave it as just a fantasy. However, that does not change what she is or did. It is still wrong.

I don't know. I actually know of several cases of male teacher on female student sexual encounters. In the vast majority of those encounters the students were willing. There really shouldn't be ANY double standard here.
on Apr 26, 2005
There shouldn't be any double standards at all. It is sick just sick that these two people are being treated by the media and being interviewed. There was already one movie, I didn't watch it but is there going to be another? This is sick.

Another child will look on this and think it is ok. That's the sad part about it all.
on Apr 26, 2005

I don't know. I actually know of several cases of male teacher on female student sexual encounters. In the vast majority of those encounters the students were willing. There really shouldn't be ANY double standard here.

You miss my point.  You are not crying for a double standard, but the press is using a double standard.  it is juvenile purient desires playing here, but they are the ones that are lionizing her.  I was just trying to explain why.

I am not defending it!

on Apr 26, 2005
funny how that works! NOT!