The journey from there to here

As many of you know, I access the internet from the public library.

In MY day (feeling ancient), you were supposed to maintain a low conversational tone in the library. Silence was enforced by bun wearing librarians who could floor you with a look from 50 feet away.

Not anymore. Now, I'll be sitting at the computer minding my own business and suddenly I'm regaled with details of Aunt Edna's kidney surgery that probably could have waited until the person found their way into the foyer, or, in this library's case, the lovely albeit underused courtyard.

What really gets me, though, is when I will chuckle in response to a comment they make (or make some other response indicative of my hearing them). Inevitably, I will be met with a glare that is unmistakably meant to convey their annoyance at my "intrusion".

First of all, cell phone conversations don't belong in the library. Period. A small minority of people actually NEED their cell phones at all times; oddly enough, those are the people who usually keep their calls relatively private. Second, if you are having a phone conversation and speaking loud enough that I can't help but hear,I am NOT eavesdropping. I should not be expected to remove myself from the room (or the aisle at the supermarket, while we're on the topic), while you carry on an intensely private conversation that's really not appropriate to a public place.

Long story short: It's YOU that has the bad manners, not I.

on Apr 25, 2005
Oh, I totally agree!! In fact, if I'm with someone and we can hear a cellphone conversation, we'll start joking about the part of the conversation we can hear. The more personal, the better!!! ;~D

If you remember, this was #3 of my "10 Things Every Cell Phone Owner Should Know" Link Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks so!!! ;~D

on Apr 25, 2005
My favorite thing to do when someone is talking loudly on their cell phone is to answer any questions they ask to the person on the other end. Even if I have no idea what the answer is or what the question means.... Such as "What did Bob say about it" I'll answer back with "Well, he thought it was a good idea until he considered the safety risks involving semi-medicated wolverines" They usually quiet down or leave pretty quickly
on Apr 25, 2005
Here's something I overheard in a public bathroom the other day....I was in one stall, some girl was in another, and her cell rings. She answers, and the person on the other end must have asked her what she was doing, because she responded "oh, nothing!".....ummm, yeah, you ARE doing SOMETHING, Chicky! If you're not, you'd better get off the pot and let the next person in line get in there!

Hey, if it's in public and it's loud enough for me to overhear you when I'm 15''s fair game!
on Apr 25, 2005
I agree, but besides being a nuisance, Cell Phones are also incredibly rude.  If I am talking to someone, and mine rings, I quiet it and continue talking.  All Come with Voice mail and if it is important, they will leave a message.  I cant stand it when I am talking to someone and they answer theirs.  It is incredibly rude and is a way for them to show you that you are not important.
on Apr 25, 2005

Here's something I overheard in a public bathroom the other day....I was in one stall, some girl was in another, and her cell rings. She answers, and the person on the other end must have asked her what she was doing, because she responded "oh, nothing!".....ummm, yeah, you ARE doing SOMETHING, Chicky! If you're not, you'd better get off the pot and let the next person in line get in there!

Whether at home or abroad, I think it's INCREDIBLY gauche to talk on the phone while you're on the pot. But mebbe that's just me.

on Apr 25, 2005
Here's something I overheard in a public bathroom the other day....I was in one stall, some girl was in another, and her cell rings.

Oh Dharma, what a time to not have been saving up a long, loud one to crack off the toilet!! The acoustics would have been a killer!! ;~D
on Apr 25, 2005
I agree, GM and I was going to suggest something along the lines of what Zoomba wrote.
on Apr 25, 2005
being the shy retiring person that I am I take to the next level,,, I ask if they could repeat the last sentence because I missed part of the conversation... ha!!! never fuck with a 6 ft 2 225 pound ugly man, heh