I've noticed a number of banners online for the "make poverty history" campaign.
For those of you who may have been living in a cave, this is a multimillion dollar campaign featuring the likes of Cameron Diaz, Bono, and P. Diddy to urge people to support a campaign whose primary goals are third world debt retirement and more and better foreign aid.
I am all for their aims. Seriously, I am.
But I take SERIOUS issue with their methods (as stated in a previous, ignored blog).
To that end, I make the following offer to those who are inclined to support the organization's aims. Set up a fund to privately raise funds for third world debt retirement. I have a $10 donation waiting, once my stipulations are met. $10 may not seem like much to you, but to us, it is a significant contribution.
My only requirements are as follows:
- No more than 10% of donations may be allocated to administration
- All funds must be raised privately and not from citizens' tax monies
- Aid must be distributed equitably within the recipient countries
- To be considered for aid, countries must develop a comprehensive plan to deal with human rights abuses
- To be considered for aid, countries must develop a long term economic development plan with the end result of self sufficiency
In return, I offer
- An initial $10 donation, with more to come as we are able
- Use of both of my blog sites to promote this organization
- At least five hours a week of letter writing, emailing, and phone calls to further the aims of this organization
- A percentage of the gross revenues of any and all of my published works to come
I think it's a fair deal, what do you say?