OK, this blog pissed me off!
While surfing member blogs on blogexplosion, I came across the following:
I got my new Child Benefit order through today. For anyone outside the UK, that's a paltry sum the government gives all parents/carers toward the upkeep of a child/children. Currently it stands at £17 a week. Wouldn't even buy half a pair of shoes (or as some would say, one shoe).
Ah but... I am also a sad, lonely, unmarriable woman so I get lone parent benefit on top. Wow!
This currently stands at 55p per week (about 25 cents). So there you have it guys, that's what the government of this sceptred isle think you're worth. Wouldn't stand for it if I were you 
Now, before I get started, let me tell you I know little to nothing about British politics. All I know about this "child benefit" is the information provided me by the blogger. I also know little about currency exchange rates, though I believe the pound to dollar ratio is, like, two to one (please feel free to correct me and/or weigh in on points of error).
This blogger states that the child benefit is given to ALL parents, meaning, if you have a child, you get 17 pounds a week (the blogger stating this isn't enough to buy a pair of shoes, apparently the United Kingdom is bereft of secondhand stores or discount retailers). By this equation, a family with 4 children would receive 68 pounds a week for doing nothing (again, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong with this,as it is the blogger's misinformation, not mine). The benefit for parents, while apparently small, also must be mitigated by the fact that THIS IS A FREEBIE. IT COST THIS LADY NOTHING.
This,in a nutshell, is yet another reason why I oppose such measures in the US. No amount, it seems, would EVER be enough for some people.
To paraphrase Brad (who was quoting another user): "DON'T CRITICIZE THE FREE ICE CREAM!"