America is in a crisis. I think that's one talking point that, conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Green, we can all agree on.
Where we get stuck is on how to fix it.
WHY we get stuck, is another matter entirely. If you came up to me and told me your debt was spiralling out of control, my advice would center around either getting another job or cutting your expenses.
My advice for the government is no different. The skyrocketing national debt is NOT solely the fault of George W. Bush, nor, in fact, of the GOP. Nor is it solely the fault of the DNC. Granted, both sides have made decisions that have added to the equation, but they have often done so at the insistence of the national media, and, ostensibly, the American public, who see the federal kitty as a magic djinni to cure all ills within our borders. Need a six lane superhighway? Call the government. Need a cure for AIDS? Write your congressman. And the thing that we need to realize is, virtually ALL federal expenditures have been to "good causes" (sure, pork is there, but the vast majority of federal expenditures can reasonably be justified).
What we need to do, then, is look hard at the situation and determine the best course towards financial responsibility. Sure, cutting all foreign aid sounds appealing until we consider the political repurcussions of rogue third world nations with nothing to lose, attacking US citizens at home and abroad. Sure, shutting down all foreign military bases and seriously downsizing military sounds attractive until you have another terror attack to bring you back to reality.
The truth is, to get back on track, ALL of us are going to have to take cuts that hit us painfully and deeply. We didn't get into this mess overnight and we won't get out of it overnight.
The practical application of this truth is another matter entirely. As soon as you cut funding to the state Child Protective Services (an agency that needs to be done away with entirely, IMHO...but I digress), a local reporter will run a feature story on a child that died of abuse and call for radical action. As soon as you cut funding for the military, 60 minutes will run an expose on the political instability of a foreign country asking the question of why we weren't there to protect them. We are often expected by the media and the international community to be God, the tooth fairy and Santa Claus all rolled into one. While this is a noble goal, it is impractical in its application, and it is destroying this great nation.
Walt Kelley famously said "we have met the enemy and he is us". American fiscal policy is a glaring example of the truth of that statement. We seriously need to undergo a major overhaul in order to remain financially stable, but we are unwilling to do what it takes. And the majority of Americans are unwilling to turn a blind eye and ear to a sensationalist media that overblows every story it gets its hands on for the purpose of ratings.
Until we are willing to face these hard truths, though, we WILL NOT see changes. Fiscal responsibilty in this nation will come at a terrific cost, one way or another, and it is a cost I feel we should be willing to pay for the prosperity of future generations. For far too long, the debt burden has been shifted onto future generations. It's not fair, and, it is what it is, but we should be the generation to step up to the bat and pay our dues.
And teach our children how NOT to get into this mess again.