The journey from there to here

In a recent article, it was mentioned that, to most of the far left on this site, NOTHING our president does will be acceptable.

Don't get me wrong; I have many, MANY problems with the policies of George W. Bush and the GOP. In fact, I agree with more than half of the points made, if not the attitude itself, of many of the most liberal bloggers on this site.

What confounds me, whough, is how they have been seduced by the Democrats into believing that the Dems are in any way a "party of the people". Where was this "party of the people" when Bill Clinton signed NAFTA in 1993? Yet if you ask MOST American lefties, they will swear that NAFTA was a GOP policy, despite the fact that a DEMOCRAT president, and a DEMOCRAT House and Senate passed the nefarious bill.

My problem, dear libs, is NOT with the statement that George W. Bush is a poor president. My problem is that you ridiculously cling to a prty that isn't any better, and is in many ways, much much worse. Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge? Both were EGREGIOUS civil rights violations under a DEMOCRAT led administration, and yet there was no outcry from the liberal camp because one leader was a religious nut job and the other was a white supremacist. Their individual ideologies aside, BOTH cases are prime examples of people who were due and denied protection under the US Constitution. Janet Reno should be bunkmates with Susan Smith, rather than giving speeches at Harvard.

If you truly believe in the principles you claim to espouse, then do something. Clean up your act, and work at reforming your OWN party. I think a lot more conservatives would appreciate it if you did.

on Apr 12, 2005
It goes back to the "Tolerance" thing. "As long as you think like me, act like me, and are among the "differences" that I embrace, I will tolerate you!"

There was no outcry from the left for Ruby Ridge or Waco, because those people deserved death, and nothing better... why? Because they were different, and not the "differences" that matter.

I've often wondered how the left would have reacted if Waco were a commune and Randy Weaver was gay (all charges against them being the same).
on Apr 12, 2005

I think we take the middle 40% of the electorate and move them over to the Libertarians.  Sure, most would have to compromise on an issue or 2, but I am so fed up with the current 2 Miss Americas that I think I would be getting a lot more than I lose.

BTW:  I thought Nafta was good, and I support it.  It should not have been needed as it was just getting government OUT of our lives instead of putting more of it in.

on Apr 12, 2005
neither nor is good....
what to vote for then?
on Apr 12, 2005

neither nor is good....
what to vote for then?

You apparently dont know the author too well!  He is trying to convert everyone to Libertarian.

And he is doing a pretty good job!

on Apr 12, 2005
"If you truly believe in the principles you claim to espouse, then do something. Clean up your act, and work at reforming your OWN party. I think a lot more conservatives would appreciate it if you did."

And how about the conservatives fix themselves too?

Now, let us sit back and wait for the conservatives to tell us why they don't have to fix themselves.
on Apr 12, 2005
Now, let us sit back and wait for the conservatives to tell us why they don't have to fix themselves.

Different subject! And a different time. You dont pick nits when you have a mote in your eye.
on Apr 12, 2005
All we need for a better america is for the democrats to offer some solutions, instead of whing, crying and puking, if they would just stop be the party of OBSTRUCTION PHILO, i would stop hammering at them. MAYBE.
on Apr 12, 2005
l agree with you the dems aren't any better. As I said before, there is about 3/8" between a dem and a republican.

Personally I think all american politics is going down the shitter taking a few less affluent countries along with it.
on Apr 12, 2005
Different subject! And a different time. You dont pick nits when you have a mote in your eye.

I don't know what that means.

All we need for a better america is for the democrats to offer some solutions, instead of whing, crying and puking, if they would just stop be the party of OBSTRUCTION PHILO, i would stop hammering at them. MAYBE.

Yup, there ya go. Thank you for making my point so eloquently. "Once they fix themselves, everything will be perfect. Nothing's wrong with me. I'm perfect."