The journey from there to here
Published on April 12, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

Whenever someone on JU makes a statement criticizing our president, they're accused of sedition and anti-American sentiments. It's odd how mindsets change.


Following the 1994 Republican "revolution" and "Contract with America", The Republicans DEMANDED of Clinton a balanced budget. They effectively went on strike (ironic, given the traditional GOP stance against public sector employees striking...but I digress), and gained serious publicity for their steadfast insistence on such a budget. Clinton complied.

In 2000, when gas prices began skyrocketing out of control, people DEMANDED accountability of the government. Once again, Clinton was on the hot seat as allegations of price gouging ran rampant.

What a difference a few years and a change of party can make. President Bush submitted a budget with an initial deficit of $600 billion dollars (6 times Dr. Evil's asking price, but again I digress), a deficit that is bound to grow larger once pork is added back in (Think GOP senators from red states are about to allow farm subsidies to get the ax? It would be political suicide, and I contend that Bush removed those because he KNEW his GOP colleagues would add them back in). Gas prices are increasing at a staggering rate, one recent week in our area saw a single week gain of over 18 cents! Every gain that has been made in the economy is shortly to be undone as many Americans have to sacrifice from their food budget just to fuel their cars.

And yet, in neither case has Bush been given NEAR the heat that went against his predecessor in either area.

Liberal media my ass!

on Apr 12, 2005

Maybe not in Texas, but the MSM has been running non stop on the negative news about Bush,expecially Gas Prices (not a lot he can do, but they want him to do something even tho doing anything would then bring charges of being in Bed with Big Oil), the Deficit, Unemployment, and now inflation.

YOu cant open a web site without seeing them scream about it.

on Apr 12, 2005
And yet, in neither case has Bush been given NEAR the heat that went against his predecessor in either area.

Liberal media my ass!

The press gives this President more "heat" than anything. They even make up stories and post stories before they even happen.
on Apr 12, 2005
Don't you know were at WAR!!!! And you never question the President when we're at WAR!!! We must stop the terrorists and evildoers!

To question the president, is to question AMERICA! How can you question the president when our fighting men and women are fighting a WAR!!!

Did I mention we're at WAR !

If you're not with us, you're unamerican!

WAR !!!!

on Apr 12, 2005

To question the president, is to question AMERICA!

Did someone say we were at WAR?

on Apr 12, 2005
Great Article! (even if it does go against "my guy" ;~D )

Following the 1994 Republican "revolution" and "Contract with America", The Republicans DEMANDED of Clinton a balanced budget. They effectively went on strike (ironic, given the traditional GOP stance against public sector employees striking...but I digress), and gained serious publicity for their steadfast insistence on such a budget. Clinton complied.

You touched a raw nerve with me here. I was so close to leaving the Republican Party over this that I had a pen in one hand and a Libertarian Membership Form in the other!

One of the biggest mistakes the Republicans made was nationalizing the House and Senate members. House and Senate members speak for the people and their states (respectively)!! How are they supposed to do that now that the stupid letter after their name carries more weight than either the People or the State??

But anyway, more to the point of your article!

We do need to hold Prs. Bush AND Congress more accountable. Congress likes to go after corperations that they have reason to suspect of faulty bookkeeping. Well, not even the Mafia has as crooked a system of bookkeeping than Congress.

The problem is, just like the "Contract With America" further injured the concept of Congress representing the People and the States, we are quickly trying to throw all responsibility of everything on the office of the President, and we hold Congress accountable for nothing!

Even during the campaigns, I often heard Democrats cry foul when someone would bring up Sen. Kerry's Senate voting record. "You can't hold a senator responsible for his vote, too many outside influences went into that decision!"

Well, you know what, if he is voting other than his role as "voice of the state of Massachusetts, he is reneging in his Constitutional Mandate!!

The same with Prs. Bush. He is accountable to his Constitutional Role as President. Not to nit-picky calls to micromanage EVERYTHING!

I agree, we should hold the President accountable. We should hold all levels of government accountable. However, we need to do it based on Constitutional Mandates, not political ill wind and whims.
on Apr 12, 2005
Did someone say we were at WAR?

Oh, no, of couse not. We justhave a massive troop deployment in a hostile environment where a part of the citizenry are trying to kill the members of our armed forces, does not mean we're at war.

Perish the thought. It is just a minor understanding. Just a blip on the glorious reign of the President.

God Bless America!!!!

on Apr 14, 2005

The cost of the war (which Bush chose to fight) is about $100 billion per year. We are facing a difference of $675 Billion between our tax revenue and our spending. If the war cost ended today, we still have a massive problem! The problem is that Bush and his supporters in Congress have created a structural deficit by cutting taxes while increasing spending. Just like Reagan in the 1980's! Bush 41 called it Voodo economics and so it is!
on Apr 14, 2005
(which Bush chose to fight)

Try "which CONGRESS authorized OVERWHELMINGLY!"
on Apr 14, 2005
The cost of the war (which Bush chose to fight) is about $100 billion per year. We are facing a difference of $675 Billion between our tax revenue and our spending. If the war cost ended today, we still have a massive problem! The problem is that Bush and his supporters in Congress have created a structural deficit by cutting taxes while increasing spending. Just like Reagan in the 1980's! Bush 41 called it Voodo economics and so it is!

You've been called to task for this before and I guess you just plain forgot! Bush can NOT sign a tax or tax cut into law by HIMSELF! That would require "congressional" APPROVAL also! So start talking to your senators and reps and get off of President Bush's back!
on Apr 14, 2005

You've been called to task for this before and I guess you just plain forgot! Bush can NOT sign a tax or tax cut into law by HIMSELF! That would require "congressional" APPROVAL also! So start talking to your senators and reps and get off of President Bush's back!

That is what I always said, back to Bush 1.  While a president can lead, congress controls the money.  And in the end, the only real thing a President can control is Foreign Policy.  Domestic is always congress.

on Apr 14, 2005
I bet when Col Gene farts, he mindlessly blames it on Bush. What an infantile boob!!