The Texas legislature, in its infinite wisdom and attempt to hide as many taxes as it can, is proposing a water tax.
While the tax is minimal (13 cents a gallon for all gallons used after 5000 gallons per month), it is the principle that frightens me. Water is a substance essential for life, and it is bad enough that we have to pay to obtain it. But to add things such as water to the tax base only serves to increase the tax burden on the lower class.
The intent here is noble, don't get me wrong. But I have an alternate proposal, one that I feel would encourage water conservation and meet the needs of the poor at the same time:
A base water rate should be worked into the property tax rate. This should be an amount sufficient to maintain, repair and upgrade water treatment facilities. A monthly ration of tap water should be allotted for "free". The ration should be large enough to meet basic hygiene, cooking, and survival needs. Beyond that allotment, water should price out at a relatively high rate to encourage conservation.
Even my system isn't perfect. But the system I am proposing would meet the NEEDS of individuals without an excessive burden. And the taxation would rightly fall on those who are using the most water and can therefore afford it.