The journey from there to here
Published on April 1, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

Even the best of us can make mistakes.

After many years of wandering in the political wilderness with a Democrat lean, I have decided that it is prudent and practical for me to change my political affiliation.

While I didn't want to acknowledge the truism of the concept of a wasted vote, I realize that belonging to any party outside the big two is politically imprudent, and is basically the equivalent of pissing in the wind. No good can ever come of it.

To that end, I am rejoining the Democratic Party. Thank you, joeusers of the liberal set for opening my eyes to the folly that has plagued me through the years. I sincerely hope we can get Hillary elected as the first woman president in 2008.

So, I have finally rallied to your flag. I am at your service

(ENDNOTE: To those who are confused, please look at the date of this post)


Gideon MacLeish

on Apr 01, 2005

Ah, Rush and Sean Hannity already did this.  Rush in 92 and Hannity in 04.  I thought of doing something like that, but decided no one would believe me.

p.s. You should have posted the gotcha in the first comment section!  Then at least you would have prompted many people to click on them to post "oh Nos" or "atta Boys".

on Apr 01, 2005
Ah, Rush and Sean Hannity already did this. Rush in 92 and Hannity in 04. I thought of doing something like that, but decided no one would believe me.

I didn't hear either one of those...but I have been plotting this one for a coupla months...hehehe
on Apr 01, 2005
Well the Hillary part aint funny Save that one for Halloween. Booooo!
on Apr 01, 2005
Well the Hillary part aint funny Save that one for Halloween. Booooo!

That was a bit overboard. I guess that would have been the give away if he had not put inthe note at the end.