The journey from there to here

So, the last two days I've had to head into town bright and early,foregoing breakfast at home. This has meant I had to stop and get quick bites to eat wherever I could. Now that we're settled in, I'm trying to work on my weight again, that never ending battle that I'm slowly winning.

So, I go to McDonald's. My "healthy" breakfast options are limited to a fruit and yogurt parfait and orange juice. Not bad choices, mind you, but it got me to thinking.

Walk into any restaurant and look for their healthy food choices. Nine out of ten times,you will find it limited to salad and maybe steamed vegetables. Chicken is invariably fried, and when you can get it grilled, it has all the taste of a preprocessed soy based chicken patty. Fast food is even worse. In our community, I've narrowed down the truly healthy choices to:


Fruit and Yogurt Parfait and OJ at McD's


Salad at McD's

Taco Salad at Taco Bell (plus a few taco/burrito options with salsa substituted for cheese)

Nothing at Sonic, KFC, Long John Silver's, or Braum's

Half the menu at Subway (but unfortunately, none of their toasted subs)


Anyway, the gist of things is salad dominates the healthy food selections of many of these places (how thankful I am for Subway). Now, I've got nothing against a good salad, but most of these fast food salads are mainly iceberg lettuce and a few tasteless tomatoes. Plus, salad gets tiring after awhile. VARIETY is the key to staying with a diet.

When I'm at home, I make a ton of great healthy dishes (many of them vegetarian, but I don't limit myself to meatless fare). I make taco "meat" with lentils (whole wheat tortillas round out the protein), I make lentil curry and incredible stir fry using either kidney beans or tofu depending on my mood (with the rice to round out the protein). In short, I cook with the same passion I put into my meat dishes, and attempt to create the same or similar flavors.

Why,oh why can't restaurants do the same?

on Mar 30, 2005
Consumers don't want healthy fast food. That's why. These companies only make what people buy.
on Mar 30, 2005
Oh, I think there's more than they know. Subway has been doing gangbuster business, after all!
on Mar 30, 2005
Random thoughts on the subject;

I tried the "Jarrod Sub" once. It's prepared on wheat bread with turkey and veggies and vinegar, I likened it to eating a salad without dressing in a paper bag wrap. If it's prepared with cheese, oil, mayo or mustard the calories jump to the cheeseburger level.
The dietetic reasoning behind subway is flawed, nobody is gonna eat a tasteless meal day in and day out......

Exersise and activity are the true keys to a healthy lifestyle ! Eat what you need, want, and got to have, just be ready to burn it off!!

I realize that's about as appealing as eating a dry, tasteless sub sandwich but you gotta "pay to play". You can force yourself to survive on 3 cans of tuna a day, supplemented with celery and carrot sticks, but if you sit on your arse and do nothing, all you have accomplished is being fat and hungry.............

My niece is a personal trainer, she visited this past wkend. She is in fantastic shape, toned and she walks in with a Hardee's bag - fries, coke, and a HUGE Monster burger, eats it all, and then starts looking for snacks around the house. She eats a yogurt, some girl scout cookies, and a big glass of milk.
Did she take a nap afterwards? No, she changed and went for a walk......later in the eve she went to the "Y", swam a mile, showered and went out on an "All Nighter"..she got in around 3am, crashed and woke up for a run at 7am. Breakfast was eggs, bacon, grits, toast, and coffee.
This is her average day, she tells me that the "Gym Rats" love the new super sized menu items 'cause they need the carbs and calories for energy.......
Is it metabolism? I don't think so , it;s her activity level - food is fuel, and if you're on the go constantly, you gotta have fuel for the fire....
As to the fat guy ordering "Biggie Fries", fine, just go walk 'em off, or wear them in the recliner...your choice....
on Mar 31, 2005

Is it metabolism? I don't think so , it;s her activity level - food is fuel, and if you're on the go constantly, you gotta have fuel for the fire....

Yes, but not all of us can participate at her level of activity. I used to be very active, but can no longer afford gym fees, and have a bum knee that prohibits most activity beyond walking (the knee is congenital; I remember having problems with it at age 6, so it's got nothing to do with my weight). With arthritis having settled in that knee years ago and now settling in my left ankle, which I have sprained at least a dozen times in the past 16 years due to my ankles' tendency to pronate, added to my naturally slowing metabolism, healthy eating is the only viable option for weight loss (combined with as much of the aforementioned walking as I can handle).