The WWW has been very revealing.
Among other things, there's a proliferation of people from other countries that randomly spew ignorant garbage running down American government and American daily life. They base their hatred on select clips from the news media, exported US television shows, and friends that vacationed and/or participated in foreign exhange programs here.
And their assumptions, from all I have seen, are largely wrong.
Don't get me wrong; most Americans are equally ignorant of the cultures of other countries. I include myself in this category. But, I acknowledge my ignorance, and don't speak from a platform of ignorance deriding your values, your culture, your beliefs system. It is yours, and I respect that, even if I do not agree.
The disrespect that many of these foreigners display is the very foundation of intolerance. Intolerance, if allowed to go unchecked, leads to violence and murder. All in the name of "liberty" (ironically, one's perception of "liberty" is generally IMMENSELY ego-centric; liberty, it seems, means the liberty to impose one's OWN values, not respect those of others).
There's an attempt among these naysayers to create a homogenous society. But a homogenous society disrespects the worth of the individual; a factor that must not be overlooked.
I don't plead for "tolerance" in the conventional sense. I don't personally care if you like or dislike my values. But I DO plead for you to stand up for the liberty to be who I am, regardless of your country of origin.
And I will do the same for you.