The journey from there to here

Ward Churchill makes me sick, the more I hear him.

Not because of what he said about the 9/11 victims of the twin towers being "little Eichmanns". As appalling as that statement is to me, it is free speech, it is his opinion, and he has a right to it. Our commitment to the first amendment is only proven when we are willing to extend it to those with whom we disagree.

No, what appalls me about Churchill is his hypocrisy. He has used every public platform he can to decry the millions who have written him angry letters and pushed for his ouster from the University of Colorado (the University has not let him go, a move I support equally as 1) it is an internal decision; 2) no person should have to fear being removed from their position solely for their political views). He feels these people are persecuting him, as do select others who have hammered this point home.

Excuse me?

See, the way I see it, the Ward Churchill situation IS about free speech. But it's not just about Mr. Churchill's free speech; the fact that he hasn't been exiled to some Alaskan gulag shows that that remains intact. It is equally about the rights of the average American, talk show hosts, pundits, and what have you, to RESPOND to Mr. Churchill with equal freedom.

In short, Mr. Churchill, those howling voices of opposition you hear are the voices of millions of other Americans who choose to exercise their freedom of speech. Cherish them, Mr. Churchill, and relish them. For without their freedom of speech, yours is equally jeaopardized.

on Mar 21, 2005
another sigh.... ward churchill is one way like most liberals I see. free speech only applies when he is running off at the mouth, its unfair when anyone else takes an oppossing view.
on Mar 21, 2005
Well, in that regard, he is a very good liberal.  They only believe in Free speech when they are the ones speaking.
on Mar 21, 2005
NO, NO, NO...

you opbviously haven't read his tirade on Columbus day.

ya see, it is okay for him to denouce Columbus Day, he is excercising free speech. Columbus Day parades, on the other hand, aren't protected speech. They are violating his 9th amendment rights. How? According to him no right specifically withheld is guarenteed.

So, according to the Geneva Convention and numerous other international mandates, people have the right to dignity and freedom from persecution. As a (bullshit 1/16th) "Native American", he is a minority which is demeaned by Columbus Day parades, as his "conquerers" lord their conquest over him.

So, he IS free to demean the people who died in the Twin Towers and the soldiers fighting in Iraq, and yet somehow if anyone demeans him, his human rights are violated.

Sorry for the long explaination. I do, however think he can spell Irony, and uses it as his standard operating procedure.
on Mar 21, 2005
Sorry for the long explaination. I do, however think he can spell Irony, and uses it as his standard operating procedure.

No, I think his SOP is Hypocrasy.
on Mar 23, 2005
He is yet another example of the "Professionally Offended" Link. He lies, feigns offense and points fingers; all the while BEING that which he claims to detest the most.