The journey from there to here
Published on March 18, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Home & Family

Well, now that we have a computer again (internet hookup scheduled for next Thursday), I put myself to writing this morning. I have quite a few "projects" running through my head, but chose to focus on the one in which I have the greatest amount of experience and thus, has the greatest chance for faster publication: homeschooling (I have worked as a homeschool lobbyist and paid public speaker for 8 years, and have served as the head of a local group of 175 homeschool families as well as board member for our state group,which had over 1200 homeschool families. I have also homeschooled in 3 different states, including one that required curriculum approval before the county school board, which I had no difficulty in getting approved). Because it is a topical subject and because many nonChristian homeschoolers are hard pressed to find good information on homeschooling that isn't heavily biased towards Christian theology (though a Christian, I see educational and religious philosophy as separate issues), I feel that if I can get my foot in the door, I should be fairly successful with it. Add to that a catchy title, and Bada-Boom, Bada-Bing, we're in business.

So, I finished the introduction and about half of the first chapter (without embellishments). Not a bad day's work, all in all, as I hope to have a rough draft completed by mid to late April.


on Mar 19, 2005
Hey, whatever happened to Caning Poverty????
Need to know.
on Mar 21, 2005
Well, since my library internet time has been limited to about 2 hours a day, I've had to put it, among other things, on the back burner. This should be one of the added benefits of getting computer time at home again.
on Mar 21, 2005
I'm glad to hear that you are pursuing this. I'll be glad to order and shelve your book for our local library!

