The journey from there to here

I saw an interview with Robert Kennedy, junior today on some morning show. Apparently, he has written a children's book about St. Francis of Assissi.

Now that's all well and good. That St. Frank is his family's patron saint, also well and good (although, for any Catholics out there, please help me understand how a saint gets to be a family's patron saint; I'm not up on that whole thing). But my poor children were nearly showered by spewed oatmeal when he talked about St. Francis upholding his family's values of embracing poverty and rejecting materialism.


The Kennedy family is one family that does not know,and will likely never know about either of these things firsthand. To say they are the family's values is an outright lie,as NONE of the Kennedy family has made a choice to eschew poverty, as RFK Jr. implies. Given the family's highly visible posture in the Democratic Party, it only goes further to underscore how truly out of touch the Dems have become.

on Mar 15, 2005

(although, for any Catholics out there, please help me understand how a saint gets to be a family's patron saint; I'm not up on that whole thing).

Sorry Gid, I have never heard of patron saints of families, so I have no clue on that.

on Mar 16, 2005
Given the family's highly visible posture in the Democratic Party, it only goes further to underscore how truly out of touch the Dems have become.

nawwww. it's just a riff to distract yall while the shrivers subvert the republican party by proxy. arnold could still end up in the whitehouse btw. as first husband in the return of the 2nd dynasty.
on Apr 07, 2005
You are so bitter that you can't even see the simplicity of St Francis of Assissi's works. Where there is hatred let there be love.
I don't believe there is a Democratic or Republican or even an Independant party in heaven. You are wasting so much of your life by being so bitter. Go out and smell the roses and maybe you will be able to clear your bitterness. Money is nothing without love and happiness. I would hope that the Kennedy Family and all families , be able to write, pray, and live their lives without the constant barrage of idiots like you. Seems like that is in the Constitution. See their money buys crap from jealous people like you that don't know what else to do with their time. Try studying St Francis and maybe you will see why someone would like to adopt him as a patron but you probably don't understand the concept of Guardian Angles and patrons and have some other dirty comment about that.
on Apr 07, 2005
Saints in the Catholic Church interceed for us to God. Like if you wanted to do something when you were little and found asking your mother to ask your father for you because she had a littl more clout than you do with dad. If mom asked dad would probably say yes realizing that she found it agreeable also.

God is not so busy that He doesn't have time for each and every one of us but God has also given His blessings to those who have died and lived lives so wonderfully that the Church recognizes them as Saints. There is much more to this than this small explaination but to adopt a Saint for your family is to ask him to watch over and interceed for you family. I personally need all of them so don't have one but with my love of animals and nature St Francis would be a good one. Hope this helps.