The journey from there to here
Published on March 11, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Humor

COL Gene kicked it off by suggesting we impeach Bush.

Then terpfan suggested we courtmartial COL Gene.

And so, in the interest of "getting it all out", I suggest we convene, on this thread, a special "JU Grand Jury". Please present to the jury any and all charges you have against your fellow JoeUsers.

As for me, I can't be charged with being a points whore. I've been granted special immunity along with my full confession!

on Mar 11, 2005
How far are these grand juries going to go? We cant have a witch hunt after all.
on Mar 11, 2005
I dropped it under "humor" because I'm hoping we can keep it KIND of humorous.
on Mar 11, 2005
I'm exercising my right to 5th Amendment protection....LOL
on Mar 11, 2005
Interesting request, but I too plead the 5th!
on Mar 11, 2005
Where's the love, guys? I already copped to points whoring! ()
on Mar 11, 2005
Ok, I accuse Dharma of Practicing Buddha without a belly!

Gideon MacLeish of practicing Politics with no elected credentials!

I dont practice medicine, so you coppers cant nail me on that! Nyaaahh!
on Mar 11, 2005
I have done interenet research on both Bush and Col Gene, so I think I would be disqualified as a juror...

In my opinion if Col Gene would just share more of himself than his hatred for Bush, he'd get a lot better reaction when he did offer up a tirade. As it stands, you could about make a random hate-ad generator that would do the same job...
on Mar 11, 2005
Please present to the jury any and all charges you have against your fellow JoeUsers.

Oh, what a can of worms this could open if some of JU's less humorous members get a hold of it.

I think I'll go point them here....
on Mar 12, 2005
Man, where did everyone leave their guts? Can't we take an opportunity to cast a few stones, knowing full well that a few will probably come our way? I mean, even if we cut loose in a no holds barred, knock down, drag 'em out, JU Jabfest, would it surprise anyone who drops who's names???

Let me be the first to stick my neck out for the chopping (if I may).

To "anonymous users": Now, here I don't mean the real world friend, family or acquaintance who has graciously accepted out invitations to check out our blogs. I am talking about he seeminly endless hoard of losers who access our articles, throw their pie and then cut and run. If you're too cheap to register in a free blogsite, why should we waste our time reading your completely innane idiocy? Hopping in for a personal shot or two without setting up a blogsite target for us, is not only the ultimate in louse ridden rudeness, but it's just not nice. And if you're trolling around because you did register, but got TOSd, guess what, THAT MEANS YOU DON'T BELONG being seen with decent folks. Decent meaning carbon based bipeds of any species!

To all snipers Link : At least you're willing to put a semi permanent name to scrutiny, but that is as far as I can go with saying anything good about you. So, let me get this straight, you're registered, you have a blog name.. what, you're shy? You can't get your meager brains to mix enough verbs, vowels and dangling participles to build a coherent article of your own. Here's a hint, it's called "School House Rock", "Conjunction Junction what's your function?" Learn it, love it, LIVE IT!!

Any blogger who uses their freedom of speech for calls toward forms of government which deny free speech: If you advocate a police state where the government decides who gets to do what, and when, just think about this for a second.... If that happens, I'll be taken out of retirement, and it will be people like me ((Not you)) who have the guns, the authority and the backing (((of your police state dream))) to deny you whatever right we feel like at the time. Of course, we hope that day never comes, but if you keep it up... just be careful what you wish for.

Now that I've taken care of that....

There are really no bloggers I've come across that I think should be given the big candy striped hook treatment. However, if I was to say that everybody's my friend, well you all would wear out your "cut and paste" functions in a mass effort to out me as a dirty, rotten, maggot mouthed liar. So I won't try...

Col Gene: Hey buddy, your articles are well written, apparently have at least a little thought behind them, but even John Wayne changed pony's once in awhile. Sure, Roy Rogers always rode trigger, but how many horses with the name "trigger" were used? You don't hate Bush, you just spend every syllable of every article, post and rant letting the world no that there is nothing on God's green earth that Bush could possibly do with which you would agree. Ok, we get it!!

Myrrander: I gotta admit, you've grown on me. At first I dismissed your articles and posts outright, but darn it all anyway, I found myself scanning a few for coherent content and ((completely by mistake I assure you))) I actually found some. I still don't understand how a teacher can look at a classfull of kids, thinking that they are nothing but parasites out to destroy this pristine planet, but hey, we all have our bears to cross... right? It must take some kind of freaky to both advocate the extinction of the human race, and cry over the thought of the extinction of mosquitoes and rouches. C'mon, admit it, you get a secret thrill for the realization of your dream, every time you here of a disaster. I mean earth 220,000, Humans 0? We already know the team your rooting for, so what kind of stretch is it for us to figure how you responded to a point spread like that?

aeryck: Just take the first sentence in the Myrrander paragraph.... and reverse it. ;~D

There we go, hopefully that will get the Grand Jury ball rolling!! ;~D

Interesting idea for an article Gid, should be a wild ride to the bottom!

on Mar 15, 2005
Drmiller, for contributing more articles than most without ever writing one himself! It's like the blog for Right wingers who can't be bothered using google and finding their own sites to read. Drmiller doesn't provide any commentary or anything, just "hey btw, someone else wrote an article! Yeah, that's right, other people do that, not me, but other people!"

Phoneixboi, Muggaz, mignuna for all claiming to retire without actually holding to it, and then not telling me they were still going.

Tbone4Justice for doing the reverse... disappearing suddenly and without a trace.

GarAmud, for somehow becoming one of the most well read even though practically no JUsers are French. There's gotta be some French conspiracy there.

Toblerone for criticising my weblog addiction, only to far outstrip me the moment he started a blog himself.

on Apr 07, 2005
I would like to indict the righties for talking out their asses all he time, but they could 180 that on me so....I got nuthin!
on Apr 08, 2005
I did not have sexual relations with that woman...
