The journey from there to here
Published on March 9, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

When I first came to joeuser, I was looking for a blog site where I could begin to write articles to grow as a writer. I have received much more from JU than I ever expected. So, in many ways, this is more of a "Thank You, JU" thread than a Sir Peter appreciation thread, but I don't think any thank you for JU would be complete without mention of one of the individuals who helped me grow more than many others.

See, when I first got here, I was easily as offended by SPM as anyone here, but I didn't feel writing an email to be an appropriate response. Encouraged by many of Petey's adversaries, I began looking at SPM, and trying seriously to discover who he was.

what I discovered was a sharp tongued satirist. SPM's intelligence cannot be denied, nor, in fact, can the consistency of his character. He created a persona that satirized virtually everything and held nothing sacred. This stepped on a lot of people's toes.

But what SPM gave me was a better understaning of satire, which, despite past exposure to it, I had never truly been able to grasp in any cohesive fashion before SPM. I began to understand that a TRUE satirist can hold nothing sacred; if they do, it weakens the strength of the satire.

I know and understand that Peter has upset individuals on this site. Frankly, I was one of them before I came to understand him. But JU is full of sharks, and as soon as you get rid of one, ten more pop up.

And once you've tangled with the biggest shark, the rest of them are tame by comparison.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 10, 2005
Taking such people seriously, i.e. making them an "issue" and not a joke, is actually granted them a level of respect. SOme people will choose evil if they think they are important or feared. Not many people would choose to be derided and be an ignorant asshole.
on Mar 10, 2005
I am not a big fan of Archie Bunker because he is a character created by a liberal as a stereotype of conservative Republicans. It offends me as a conservative Republican to be protrayed as racist and bigoted.
on Mar 10, 2005
I am not a big fan of Archie Bunker because he is a character created by a liberal as a stereotype of conservative Republicans. It offends me as a conservative Republican to be protrayed as racist and bigoted.

Then you missed the point completely. He was not representing ALL conservative republicans anymore than "Meathead" was representing all liberal democrats. Both were characatures of the extremes.

Case in point. When the character "Lionel" was introduced into the show, he was in the Bunker living room talking to both Archie and Michael. After talking to them both, he looked at Archie and said, "Oh, you must be a BigOT". Michael then tried to explain away Archies bigotry,, and Lionel answered him with, "Oh and you must be a LiberAL" (emphasis an attempt to mimic the condescension in Lionel's voice to both).
on Mar 14, 2005
"So funny to make fun of minorities and advocate death sentances foe them? Truly sick!!"

Admittedly not everyone can pull off a call for homosexuals to be gassed but I feel I managed to do this quite successfully old boy.

"So funny to speak of torrid sex affairs with those that cannot deny it? Truly sick!!"

I take it you have read my new Princess Diana article? It is quite touching that you seem to be a regular reader. My fans are important to me Moanopeace and I would like to thank you for all of your support.

Good show Gideon for writing this article.
on Mar 14, 2005
Hey, Mano, I was a sometime poster over at SPM's site, you gonna blacklist me?

Hope not.
on Mar 14, 2005
Hey, Mano, I was a sometime poster over at SPM's site, you gonna blacklist me?

No I'm not...I'm sure you think the same of that turd as I do...
on Mar 14, 2005
No I'm not...I'm sure you think the same of that turd as I do...

Nah, I like the guy. I found him to be humorous and I have enough of a well-developed sense of humor not to get my knickers in a bunch over obvious satire.
on Mar 14, 2005
Moanopeace I will do a deal with you old boy. I am willing to give you the opportunity to have your anti Sir Peter Maxwell views published on

Write an article entitled 'Why I Believe Sir Peter Maxwell Is Satan' and I will publish it. You can say whatever you like about me and it will give you the opportunity to tell the readers of my website why they are wrong to even consider reading my material. You can insult me, call me the devil, a turd etc etc and it will still be published.

Can you rise to the challenge my good man? If so email your article to
on Mar 14, 2005
At first I was offended by Sir Peter Maxwell's rants, but you have to learn to take it all in good humor. Manopeace, just look at how amazing the offer is in the above reply! Take it. Slander him on his own website. It should be interesting.
on Mar 16, 2005
As yet, Moanopeace has not yet submitted an article and thus we must conclude from this that he is in fact a fan of my work.
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