The journey from there to here
Published on March 9, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

When I first came to joeuser, I was looking for a blog site where I could begin to write articles to grow as a writer. I have received much more from JU than I ever expected. So, in many ways, this is more of a "Thank You, JU" thread than a Sir Peter appreciation thread, but I don't think any thank you for JU would be complete without mention of one of the individuals who helped me grow more than many others.

See, when I first got here, I was easily as offended by SPM as anyone here, but I didn't feel writing an email to be an appropriate response. Encouraged by many of Petey's adversaries, I began looking at SPM, and trying seriously to discover who he was.

what I discovered was a sharp tongued satirist. SPM's intelligence cannot be denied, nor, in fact, can the consistency of his character. He created a persona that satirized virtually everything and held nothing sacred. This stepped on a lot of people's toes.

But what SPM gave me was a better understaning of satire, which, despite past exposure to it, I had never truly been able to grasp in any cohesive fashion before SPM. I began to understand that a TRUE satirist can hold nothing sacred; if they do, it weakens the strength of the satire.

I know and understand that Peter has upset individuals on this site. Frankly, I was one of them before I came to understand him. But JU is full of sharks, and as soon as you get rid of one, ten more pop up.

And once you've tangled with the biggest shark, the rest of them are tame by comparison.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 09, 2005
Way to go!! You faced up with and challenged SPM and ended up better for your trouble!

There are a few bloggers here who I was ready to dismiss to the trash heap at first too. Because of my nature though, I not only didn't Blacklist, or even ignore them, but my anomosity towards their words impelled me to read them. Eventually I have found at least a modicum of common ground with them.

Of course there are still a few out there whose words still seem to have no redeeming value, but hey, not everyone can live up to my standard (or my humility!). ;~D
on Mar 09, 2005
I found SPM to be a caricture, and hence funny in many ways.  It took me all of about a week to realize that, and then to look forward to his caricturizations! I do miss his wit and posts.  I think he forgot when to turn off the sarcasm and that is what got him into trouble.
on Mar 09, 2005
I am the first to admit I had a very hard time getting my mind wrapped around what SPM was about for a while here. I even wrote an article or two (that I have been tempted to get rid of, but refuse to) about how I just didn't get him and his croonies.

I did, however, reach a point where I saw what you described Gideon. And while I didn't find him particularly funny (just a matter of taste), I don't find him to be the offensive creation I once mistook him for.
on Mar 09, 2005
yeah, I like the guy, I still pop by his site and read his articles from time to time
on Mar 09, 2005
I find the character of SPM utterly disgusting. His lack of regard for minorities, disabled people, anyone different in any way is nothing to be admired.
He, all the characters he returns as along with all members of his site will continue to remain on my blacklist.
If anyone really wants to see what I think of him, go to my site and click on his name in my list of favourites.
If this is the type of person you can admire or laugh at, so be it.
on Mar 09, 2005
wow, manopeace. don't hold back tell us what you really think. I clicked on your link, wow that's harsh. I haven't been here long enough to get to know SPM. Was it really that bad?
on Mar 09, 2005
Gideon... your such a points whore!
on Mar 09, 2005
Was it really that bad?

Worse than you can imagine...
on Mar 09, 2005
Moanopeace, find adversaries worth fighting agaisnt such as the KKK and Neo-Nazis.
on Mar 10, 2005
When you look beyond the taunts, SPM should be appreciated for what it is, and that is truly masterclass satire... it's funny on so many levels... even now, Manopeaces response has me in stitches laughing...
on Mar 10, 2005
So funny to make fun of minorities and advocate death sentances foe them? Truly sick!!
So funny to speak of torrid sex affairs with those that cannot deny it? Truly sick!!
Humour should be funny! Not sick!!!
on Mar 10, 2005
"Good taste and humour are a contradiction in terms, like a chaste whore."
Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-90), British broadcaster

"A difference of tastes in jokes is a great strain on the affections."
George Eliot (1819-80), English novelist.

"Never say a humorous thing to a man who does not possess humour. He will always use it in evidence against you."
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1853-1917), English actor-manager.

on Mar 10, 2005
Last time I went to his site I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Does that mean I think Hitler was funny? Nope, but if we as a society learn to see the idiocy, and therefore the humor, in the perversly self-centered and grossly unrealistic point-of-view of bigots and misogynists, then no one would be able to put on a KKK robe and not feel completely absurd.
on Mar 10, 2005
I remember when Archie Bunker was considered great television. If that character were introduced today, I wonder if people would catch the satire, or hang Norman Lear and Carol O'Connor up by their ankles.

We won't even get into "Blazing Saddles". ;~D
on Mar 10, 2005
I remember when Archie Bunker was considered great television. If that character were introduced today, I wonder if people would catch the satire, or hang Norman Lear and Carol O'Connor up by their ankles.

We won't even get into "Blazing Saddles". ;~D

IN the hyper sensitive political correctness that we have become, both would be banned outright due to the new bigotry. The bigotry of not being able to laugh at the stupid and inane. Because it might offend some purple twerp somewhere.
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