The journey from there to here

I have to admit to being a little behind things.

It took me awhile to get the news on the BTK killer, as we have no TV, internet access limited to library time, and a local newspaper that's pretty spoarse as regards national news.

But the more I read on the BTK case, the more I got the chills.

The BTK killer wasn't the stereotypical killer. He was not a recluse, but very involved in his community and church, a family man. He was someone's next door neighbor, someone who shook many hands and with whom many people likely shared stories and jokes.

In short, he could have been anybody. That's the stuff that is almost SCARIER than fiction, because the BTK killer was, and could have been, the monster next door. And THAT monster is scarier than anything Wes Craven could conjure up.

on Mar 01, 2005
In short, he could have been anybody. That's the stuff that is almost SCARIER than fiction, because the BTK killer was, and could have been, the monster next door

sociopaths become great mimics outta necessity. think about ted bundy working the suicide hotline or john wayne gacey volunteer party entertainer. for every angelo buono, there's a handful of deathangel nurses.
on Mar 02, 2005
Also, too many pedophiles have this 'shield' that makes other people think he or she is a nice person.

"he/she is not that of person!" have no meaning.