The journey from there to here
Published on March 1, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Home & Family

Well, folks, I have to say, I've been pretty hard at work, and am feeling an early dose of spring fever even though we probably have a winter storm left in the year.

I went out and bought a copy of this year's "Writer's Market". Once our taxes get in, I intend to get a computer and start writing seriously. I've identified a few magazines that are strong potential markets for my work, and now have given myself the confidence (through blogging) that I CAN stick with my longer projects long enough to see them through and get them off to publishers.

I've been out scouring the roadsides for cans (to the tune of 2-5 miles a day, so I should be back in prime shape before long). One of my goals, once I reach my goal weight of 250 (and get over this dadblasted sprained ankle from about 3 weeks ago) is to enter a few marathons and work my way to a "big" marathon, and, of course, write a book about the process. I don't want to make running a lifestyle for TOO many years, but I want to get up to marathon shape just to show that I can.

I have turned over part of our garden, and infused it with peat moss and cow poop (it's good soil, but sandy, so we need to build it up a bit), and am researching plans for our greenhouse. I finally got a catalog where I can purchase the breed of chicks I want, and am waiting until I can get the equipment together to get started.

All in all, life is good!

on Mar 01, 2005
Congratulations! I applaud your efforts, both in writing and in weight loss, and wish you luck. I hope you keep us informed of your successes.