The journey from there to here

Strangely enough, while I'm not usually a proponent of "train wreck" TV, I have to give a certain amount of "props" to "Celebrity Makeover".

Why? Well, put simply, it has served to underscore a problem with weight loss that many people who have never been fat don't consider.

I have lost over 100 pounds over the last two years (although I went back up a bit over the winter, it was nowhere NEAR my pre-diet weight). I have rolls of loose skin on my torso, and "flaps" below my arms from where the skin used to stretch over a much stronger frame. As I'm not likely to ever be able to afford cosmetic surgery, losing weight means dealing with these "battle scars" of my former weight for the remainder of my life...meaning that even if I reach "peak" shape, my body will be rather grotesque due to the consequences of my weight gain from younger years. This is not a future I'm looking forward to, although the health tradeoffs more than compensate.

It might due diet companies some good to offer reduced price "trimming" of excess skin for people with the stick-to-it-iveness to lose the weight. Just a thought.

on Mar 01, 2005
If I may chime in on this one a bit.

Your "excess" flesh is most likely a result of your yo yo weight gain/loss over a relatively short time. While "trimming" is an option (and a quick way out), continuing to exercise and eat right will trim those wings just like it trimmed the fat. Your skin, being the biggest organ of your body, is meant to fit your frame. It may not have been able to keep up with the roller coaster, but if you keep up the regimine that lost the adipose, the rest will come in time.

Good work so far, and KEEP IT UP!!!(um, or Down, or... whatever!! ;~D
on Mar 01, 2005

Your "excess" flesh is most likely a result of your yo yo weight gain/loss over a relatively short time.

Actually, I didn't "yoyo" up or loss has been calculated, and the gain...well, getting situated and moved before winter didn't leave as much time for exercise as I'd hoped...but 100 lbs is a drastic loss. Hopefully you're right though (although I have seen some pretty grotesque pictures of loose skin that frighten me more than a little).

on Mar 02, 2005
I was told my that if you get three to four servings of milk product a day that will help with the skins elasticity. I know that it will help you lose. Oh, in the garden eggplant grows really good there. Hope you and your family have as many great loving memories as my family had there! God Bless You!