Well, the latest "racial profiling" information came out, and our county, at least, has numbers that should be deemed acceptable. But the articles left me wondering about pockets in the country where minorities actually DO commit more than their "percentage" of crime. We have tried crime prevention techniques, we have tried education, but those seem to have worked to little effect. The prisons are overrepresented by minorities, meaning either a) we have a corrupt political system that targets minorities; or
minorities are, in fact, committing a disproportionate amount of crime.
Assuming that the former is true, we need to seriously evaluate the methods used by our law enforcemend agencies to gather evidence and apprehend criminals. In all seriousness, if there IS racial bias in our law enforcement agencies, it needs to be rooted out.
But let's assume for a second that possibly, just POSSIBLY, the latter is true. How do we address the problem? Do we have police officers stop apprehending moving violations once their "racial quota" is exceeded? Or do we, rather, encourage whites to commit more crimes, thus equalling the balance and restoring our prison systems to the racially balanced quotas they should carry?
The latter idea, btw, would create more jobs as well.
signing off (tongue FIRMLY planted in cheek),
Gideon MacLeish