I love my darling children.
I especially loved them today when our power bill showed we had used 122 fewer kilowatt hours in February than in January...and thus saved almost ten bucks (our primary heat source is gas, so it can't entirely be attributed to a warmer month).
Now, we're gonna try to chop it down a little further over the next few months, but....it's great to have kids that help save money.
Here's how we accomplish that, for those who are asking (hehe): The children's allowances are based on any amount of money over budget at the end of the month. Because they buy their own toys and "extra" clothing (as in, the clothing THEY get to pick out rather than what "geeky" mom and dad choose), they see saving money as a way to get those things faster. And they seem to be learning the lesson well.
I'm hoping to get our electric usage down to the point where we could make a small wind generator viable.