The journey from there to here

A brief headline on Yahoo! attracted my attention, although I doubt it will receive NEARLY the attention that it deserves. Peter Benenson, the founder of Amnesty International, passed away at the age of 83.

I have been involved with AI in one capacity or another for nearly 20 years. Amnesty International was probably the first organization that awakened me to the fact that I truly COULD make a difference, in a meaningful way, that could impact individuals I will never know on faraway shores I will never see. Benenson's work easily ranks up there with far more noted individuals such as Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela (who, incidentally, was the subject of many of my early letter writing campaigns for AI. I felt a certain sense of pride when apartheid fell as a result).

Peter Benenson's legacy will long outlive him, and I am sure there are many tearful reunions in heaven between him and many of the individuals he helped free.

God bless you, Mr. Benenson, and may you always be remembered.

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