Now don't get me wrong. Administration here has the right to make their own decisions, and I respect that, but moderateman's article on rating bloggers got me to thinking.
There are a few bloggers on JoeUser that I greatly miss. Sir Peter Maxwell, for his bizarre and irreverent sense of humour. Even though I understand how he crossed the line with some people, he did develop my satirical sense a great deal. And I have to thank him for that.
David St. Hubbins is another. Though his responses are often less than tactful, he is honest, and has often played a marvelous foil to my positions on several issues. I don't have to agree with him to respect his insight.
Finally, there is WiseFawn. While she upset many people, she had a liberal perspective that NEEDED to be seen; free speech requires a fair presentation on BOTH sides. While her responses would range to inflammatory, that was something easily solved with the blacklist.
Interestingly enough, these three bloggers share one other thing in common: they all spent time on my blacklist. Yes, they ticked me off as much as anyone else, and there was a lot that I DIDN'T like about what they had to say, but I highly respect their right to say it. If any (or all) three are reading: you are missed.